I meet you here today to tell you the story of a Sloop. Now you are probably wondering what's so special about a sloop for it to have a story, well this story is of sloop that has seen the beginnings of Avonmora.
In the beginning, CJ created the world of Avonmora, it was beautiful and great. Many players flocked to the mystical lands and slowly they began to construct the many ships that would sail its seas. During these early days a Sloop was built, a sloop with the ID of #250. Unlike many of its sisters, it has survived through the years to see the many events and developments of Avonmora.
As time passed on, a player came forth and saw an opportunity to take possession of this ship. A glorious piece of Avonmoran History. It was a glorious achievement and it lasted about 3 minutes as he towed the Sloop to the Shipwright for it's ultimate moment in Avonmoran History, a glorious death.
The world was ablaze, and DezNutz was adding fuel to the fire literally. DezNutz also shipwrighted a slightly younger sister, a Cutter #1111.
And just so you know that it was actually done....