For the last two days, RUM has been the victim of several raids from Fox,a well known pirate guild of Avonmora. Several of our members have suffered a few losses. Fox failed to profit much from their raids, due to defenses, and to the quick battle fleets of others in Avonmora who beat them to the plunder. However, their efforts continue.
Last evening, I initiated a raid upon Fox in retaliation for the previous days of raiding, My goal was to simply strike a blow to Fox, not to profit - I wish the raids on RUM to stop.
A mutual friend of myself and Roileon relayed to me that Roileon had a list of guildmembers he wished to protect. I was offered the list of names.
To Roileon, I say, I understand, mate. One of my primary missions is to protect the members of RUM and other friends in Avonmora. The best way you can protect the members of Fox is to lay off RUM. I know not who you wish to plunder in RUM, as you have attacked many, If the raids on any member of RUM continue, you can expect raids on all members of Fox, not just the few raiders.
I know it be in your nature to raid traders, as it be mine to protect the members of RUM. However, if you wish to protect your membership and cease hostilities, simply demonstrate it by stopping the raids.