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Self Repair with Cargo

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2021 11:59 am
by PFH
New mechanic/route

Repair route: a fleet searches for materials in the oceans to conduct repairs. When fleet is fully repaired, brings random materials found into assigned warehouse.

New Mechanic (or trait.)
Self Repair Trait: ship consumes materials in cargo hold at the top of every hour to conduct repairs on itself.

Self repair mechanic: any ships/fleets, when assigned, conduct repairs on themselves each hour (based on damages) with ship building materials in cargo bay. Ships defend 15% worse while under the repair mechanic if plundered or skirmished

Below applies to both ideas:

Wood repairs the fastest but least amount of health per unit

Cotton is the 2nd fastest, providing moderate healing.

Iron repairs slower per unit, but heals the most per unit

Food overall speeds up the repair process from Royal auxiliary effects. Extra 2% of ship repaired per unit with Food being consumed for repair mechanic.

Just brainstormed ideas. Thoughts?

Re: Self Repair with Cargo

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2021 7:01 pm
by DezNutz
If Auto Repair was to be a trait, I would repurpose Loyal Crew to do so, but leave it to be GC with a reduced rate and to auto occur for that ship after each battle or at the top of the hour.

Re: Self Repair with Cargo

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2021 9:58 pm
by The Lamb
Make two cards, maybe call them emergency call and ohhh.... i dont know, maybe royal fleet auxiliary and have a hand full of brigs in mothball at some random port. :D

Re: Self Repair with Cargo

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2021 10:01 pm
by DezNutz
El Draque wrote:Make two cards, maybe call them emergency call and ohhh.... i dont know, maybe royal fleet auxiliary and have a hand full of brigs in mothball at some random port. :D

Why would you want to do that, when we can come up with something way more complex.