William one eye wrote:What your sceince is today may be called religion by others with more accurate information in the future.
No, they would call it the best explanation they had at the time-or a misconeption or flawed logic. Science does not define itself as 100% accurate or true. It's just the best logic and reasoning and explanation we have for something at the time. Some things, are more or less set in stone. Some things we are 99% positive we have it figured out. Other's are iffy. We think we know how it works, but not sure. And some we just don't have a clue.
But science doesn't say it has all the answers just yet. Or that it can't be wrong. It's using facts, logic, experiments and trial and error to figure out how things work, why they work etc.
Science=working to find answers based on what evidence we can find and have.
We don't say Isaac newton had a religion about the philosphers stone, or folks had a religion about turning lead into gold. Those are just misconceptions the past had about things. Same with the earth being center of the universe. Past theories that we know now to be incorrect. Doesn't mean those folks worshipped those theories.