YOU in the game

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YOU in the game

Postby Grogggy » Fri Oct 18, 2013 4:26 pm

YOU in the game.

I feel you could personalize this a little bit by have YOU be a character in the game. You would assign yourself a ship, and bring certain bonuses to that fleet.

Captain Abilities

These would have to be earned, accumulated, or purchased in some way.

SPY GLASS-cost, 10 turns. Reveals all fleets at current port regardless of danger.

GRAPPLE&BOARD-cost, 25 turns. Doubles your chances of stealing a ship.

MARINE SNIPER-cost, 100 turns. If successful, enemy commander loses all his abilities.

ARMADA-cost, 150 turns. Adds second fleet if present to attack.

FIRESHIP-cost, 200 turns. Potentially destroys enemy fleet completely.

TRAP-cost, 300 turns (yes you’d need to spend coins to do this) For 12 hours, if the fleet is attacked, 50% chance that the entire attacking fleet is captured.

I would also suggest that moving your captain around would be semi realistic, can’t just teleport, you’d have to meet the next fleet at port. You could also have warehouse and diplomatic bonuses and abilities if you chose to stay on land.

Duel would be fun too, you against another captain if you are both on land in the same port with bonuses at stake.

Just a thought, don’t think were talking too much code here really, most of the effects are simply modifications of already existing subroutines. What do people think?
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Re: YOU in the game

Postby SSR » Fri Oct 18, 2013 4:27 pm

You're like a blessing to capt. Jack :D
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Re: YOU in the game

Postby Captain Jack » Fri Oct 18, 2013 4:48 pm

There is a detailed proposal about it issued by administration. You can find it here: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=433

I have also spoken about it speculating possible development time. If the game progresses fine, we should start working on this for the Pirates Glory version 3.

The game is now at version 1.2. Hopefully it will move today at version 1.3: Nation Control Expansion
This means we are currently working for Pirates Glory version 2.

What makes it different from a stand-alone single-player game is that all updates here are instant and live. You don't have to wait for 1 or 2 or 3 years to get the new features in a new version. You get them as they are implemented but in the end, we reach the same end. It is better this way, isn't it?

Speculating more on the matter, it is mostly possible that an IC extension might be too much for the existing world so we might open a new one for it. This will largely depend on how well and appealing it is designed and what the playerbase thinks.

I like your ability ideas btw :D
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Re: YOU in the game

Postby MAjesty » Fri Oct 18, 2013 4:55 pm

Captain Jack wrote:There is a detailed proposal about it issued by administration. You can find it here: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=433

...other stuff...

Speculating more on the matter, it is mostly possible that an IC extension might be too much for the existing world so we might open a new one for it. This will largely depend on how well and appealing it is designed and what the playerbase thinks.

I like your ability ideas btw :D

approval ftw....
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Re: YOU in the game

Postby Grogggy » Fri Oct 18, 2013 5:08 pm

Thanks for responding, CJ.

I read the link, and I now understand your development plans a little better.

I did think in reading your discussions that y’all seem a little too obsessed with the trading/resources issues. How about a little combat already? I mean its so minimal in that area anyway, I would think that would take precedence. I sorry but I’m not getting thrills up my leg at the thought of mining iron bars...

If you do want a resources suggestion, why aren’t prices tied to actual demand? shorten the total resources windows to daily updates so that you actually have to watch how much wood is in east bumble dink.

You could open up a whole new area--monopolies and cornering markets. What if a rich trade guild decided to buy up all the iron in the world? The prices would skyrocket, ship building would be curtailed, and then when they decide to sell, they would make a killing. It should be something that could be done by smaller guilds in a micro market as well.

Maybe allow pirates to plunder resources in these cases--damn we have to hit ATC cause we’re all out of rum:)

I love that you have put so much time and thought into the underlying econ of the game, don’t get me wrong. Maybe its time to think out of the box a little and work on visuals, combat, something to do when you have no turns, a way to settle beefs one on one, you know, people stuff:)
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Re: YOU in the game

Postby Captain Jack » Fri Oct 18, 2013 5:50 pm

Have you seen what is our next development after Hideout/banks? Check it out here: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=579

Resource production will pass at some point to players. The voodoo cards that affect production will be removed too. Then we can proceed in more realistic options for economy. One step at a time though.
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Re: YOU in the game

Postby Grogggy » Fri Oct 18, 2013 6:06 pm

Yes! Much better. I see I am missing a forum that I should be reading, I will try to catch up before I post a new thread.

Rather than posting on the combat thread (which has been dormant since feb), if I might add to that excellent discussion that pirate tactics are quite different than regular naval engagements. Very little cannon fire was used, because of course the goal was to capture the ship as a prize. One accurate broadside to the rigging, maybe a grape shot to clear the decks, and then it was over the side for hand to hand fighting.

On the subject of actual naval engagements, I'm surprised none of the obviously educated posters didn't mention "CROSSING THE T" it is pretty much the root of all tactics in this era. Also for a game about sailing ships, WIND is a total non factor in this game. Look up "THE WEATHER GAUGE".

Oh, and another combat realism point. If a ship was captured, the pirate ship had to give up an officer and crew to man the prize and sail it back to port--all the while keeping guard on the ship's crew imprisoned below. Thusly, the game should require you to give up some crew in order to claim a prize. If too few sailors are assigned, there should be a chance that the prisoners escape and retake the ship before it reaches port and sale.
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Re: YOU in the game

Postby Grogggy » Sun Oct 20, 2013 4:41 am

PS I put my money where I mouth is and ponyed up an Andrew Jackson for the cause...
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Re: YOU in the game

Postby Spastic » Sun Oct 20, 2013 8:01 am

In my post I did include some stuff about holding windward/leeward gauge
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Re: [REVIEW] YOU in the game

Postby PFH » Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:55 am

I really like this idea. This could really help with specialized ships and really prove ship warfare to be about skill and not who clicks the fastest on that confuse cast !

However, this could use more merging and ideas along with the idea that CJ has in general discussion: ... ?f=5&t=433

If this idea gets more ideas

For right now i say move to general discussion as it is worthy of some good thought but not enough fluff to make it tangible to implement.

Lets move this to archive, and vote on the topic you posted. It covers the same concept but better. - Skyhawk
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