Seeing this, I took my trusty Sloop of War up against these ships for quick cash grab. The treasury was sinking nicely and getting close to plunder some ships, when all of a sudden, I LOST A BATTLE. I lost a battle to a NO CANNON EQUIPPED LMM. This said LMM however had the new ship trait Leviathan Assualt. On the 3rd round it called the beast and my ship was sunk and the battle lost.
I am torn on this and would like the communities feedback. Should a ship with no cannons equipped, be able to win a battle simply due to a ship trait? Should a ship with the Leviathan Assault ability need cannons to be active?
I am good either way, I was simply surprised by this outcome.
Oh and it happened twice in a row! Lucky 5% hit (twice)! SMH....
![Beaten Up :xx](./images/smilies/dead.gif)
![Beaten Up :xx](./images/smilies/dead.gif)