Bermuda Daily - Issue #15: Radio Reloj

Bermuda Daily - Issue #15: Radio Reloj

Postby Dejanira » Thu Aug 09, 2018 1:31 pm

Bermuda Daily - Issue #15

I've been told that Radio Bermuda is presenting too many artists from USA and UK. Well, some might say that there are so many that even a random pick would give a result in one of those two. But it's also true that there are many from anywhere alse in the world and I'm scheduling some from different countries.
The first one is difficult to define. Born in France but grown up in Spain, sings in French, Spanish, English, Portuguese, Italian, Arab, Wolof... (Wolof is a language spoken in parts of Senegal, Gambia, Mauritania). And even his genre is difficult to square being a mix of rock, reggae, salsa, ska, punk...
In this song we present, a voice from a radio called Radio Reloj says what time it is in countries of Latin and Meso America while he's singing. Something like son las cinco de la noche en Managua, Nicaragua.

And to follow the example of Radio Reloj, now it is 9.30 AM in Montreal, half to midnight in Canberra, 15:30 in Sarajevo, 6:30 AM in San Francisco. :p

Radio Image Bermuda presents today Me Gustas Tu from the album Clandestino by Manu Chao.

See you tomorrow.
Stay tuned on Radio Image Bermuda!
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