Bermuda Daily - Issue #13: Milestones

Bermuda Daily - Issue #13: Milestones

Postby Dejanira » Tue Aug 07, 2018 5:37 pm

Bermuda Daily - Issue #13

In different places of the world there are different superstitions about some "special" numbers. Number thirteen is one of those number. But Bermuda Daily supports the "number equality" movement. :P

Hopping from one genre to another and from a decade to another, it's time to mention one of the bands that represented break-even-points in music history. During the late 60s a British band published an album, with the same name. Its cover showed a Zeppelin on fire (an historical picture of Hinderbug on fire) with the simple name of the band in the upper right corner: Led Zeppelin.

The album received some criticisms, and yet it is now considered a milestone. It couldn't be said to be pop nor simply rock (not in the meaning of what was colled rock in those years), and for sure it was well welcomed by radio and by people (bot in Britain and in the USA, and in the rest of the western world too).

Radio Image Bermuda presents today the opening track of that album, the only one released as a single too, Good Times, Bad Times from 1968.


Stay tuned on Radio Image Bermuda!
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