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Bermuda Daily Issue #4.5

PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 6:25 am
by Dejanira
While the Second Fantasy Draft is still ongoing, here is a special (and shorter) edition of Bermuda Daily: no articles, no jokes, just a...

...a simple poll

Maybe not all the players know that Avonmora map was redrawn some time ago. The map was much more unrefined at that era, more similar to a simple sketch of the actual Avonmora map.
We Bermuda Daily found a very old map. The question is: how old is it? (month and year) :x

Submit your guess to me (better if in game). To the first one guessing the right month and year there will be a simple, symbolic, prize. Plus an additional symbolic prize if the winner has a number higher than 68000.
Both answers in Avonmora calendar and/or in the-world-ouside calendar will be accepted.
An additional post will state the winner (if he/she wants not to mention, please request it).

Re: Bermuda Daily Issue #4 and a half

PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 8:33 am
by Admiral Nelson
Jeesh... This was before the donkeys was around...

Pre-Donkey time.

Re: Bermuda Daily Issue #4 and a half

PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 9:15 am
by Dejanira
Shhh don't suggest ;)

To allow the possibility of ties, I'll take 10 guesses and then post if there is a winner. I know I said only to the first right guesser but sometimes a player may be online just for the timezone... seems better to allow chances also to different time zoned players. But no shared prize: in case of tie, the prize will be awarded to all the tiers.
If there'd be no winner yet, another 10 guesses.

Re: Bermuda Daily Issue #4.5

PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 8:33 pm
by Crackedcubes

Re: Bermuda Daily Issue #4.5

PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 10:24 pm
by Big Brother
Its before the fall of midway and after the war between PK and Zomb

Re: Bermuda Daily Issue #4.5

PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 10:47 pm
by Lana
It was few months before my arrival in Avonmora, but I remember some gossips about The Rise of England... :)

Edited: Opsss... I forgot about Cuba! So, few months later... :D

Re: Bermuda Daily Issue #4.5

PostPosted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 4:36 pm
by Dejanira
It's winner time. I got a few guesses, I expected a little more but the low number has been balanced by the high precision of all the guessers.
The picture was taken during April 2015. Three sailors only missed it for a single month, and the other missed it for just a bit more. Congrats to everyone for your extremely correct memory or calcula.


:arrow: Henry Avery #57267
:arrow: Sir Stenley Rose #35300
:arrow: Diogenes of Sinope #57714

Prizes will be sent in game. Bermuda Daily hopes you won't be too disappointed for the minimality of the prize :$

See you on #Issue 5 :y

Re: Bermuda Daily Issue #4.5

PostPosted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 4:39 pm
by Mugiwara
Dejanira wrote:It's winner time. I got a few guesses, I expected a little more but the low number has been balanced by the high precision of all the guessers.
The picture was taken during April 2015. Three sailors only missed it for a single month, and the other missed it for just a bit more. Congrats to everyone for your extremely correct memory or calcula.


:arrow: John Avery #57267
:arrow: Sir Stenley Rose #35300
:arrow: Diogenes of Sinope #57514

Prizes will be sent in game. Bermuda Daily hopes you won't be too disappointed for the minimality of the prize :$

See you on #Issue 5 :y

As a new player who dont know much about history it seems my guess pretty close:) i lost with 30 days i believe :arr

Re: Bermuda Daily Issue #4.5

PostPosted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 4:58 pm
by Dejanira
Mugiwara wrote:As a new player who dont know much about history it seems my guess pretty close:) i lost with 30 days i believe :arr

Very close. You all have been very precise.
At the end I decided to award you all :D

Re: Bermuda Daily Issue #4.5

PostPosted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 5:04 pm
by Mugiwara
Thanks a lot:P Finally i won an event even i forced for it but still it feels great xD xD