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Bermuda Daily Issue #4

PostPosted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 10:02 pm
by Sebena
Avery suffers defeat

Today my researchers came across an interesting news. Henry Avery lost his fight fleet to Ezz so we looked deeper into that event and this is what we found.
It seems that Averys captain whom he hired to command his fight fleet had few drinks more than he should and went to venture on the sea and forgot to bring enough gold coins to protect his life. And after venturing near the coasts of Akrotiri he was ambushed by Ezz and after some sea fight Ezzs crew managed to board on Averys ships. After looting ships they saw that there is nothing worth of taking they wanted to murder the crew and captain because they needed some sort of satisfaction. Captain decided to offer ship in exchange for his life and life of the crew. After some thinking Ezz decided that 1 ship is not enough so he asked for 4 ships and due the fear of death Averys captain accepted. You all wonder what will happen to that drunk captain? Last time he was seen was in the morning sailing in on cutter after that any trace of him disapeared. Inquiring minds want to know: Is he drunk in the Tavern or locked away in jail for his thieving way!
There are no confirmation but some say that he got forged documents and left Montenegro for Croatia.

Bermuda's having baby boom

In last month Bermuda had 3961 babies born which is 15% higher than month before. We asked one of the nurses what changed? She said this: „ With new policy from our leadership which gives them chance to stay home with the baby and have salary and bonus of 50% on it for the first year of babies life many young couples decide that it is time for them to expand their family . Our governors agreed that elementary school should be free and that they will finance school books and that all schools will have warm meal free of charge people started to move in to Bermuda.“ With this politics we believe that this number of babies will raise next month aswell. "One thing is certain, all 3,961 babies look suspiciously like Dozer White Beard.

Joke of the day

Teacher: "Kids, what does the chicken give you?"
Student: "Meat!"
Teacher: "Very good! Now what does the pig give you?"
Student: "Bacon!"
Teacher: "Great! And what does the fat cow give you?"
Student: "Homework!"

Re: Bermuda Daily Issue #4

PostPosted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 10:14 pm
by Haron
Nice issues so far!

Re: Bermuda Daily Issue #4

PostPosted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 10:21 pm
by Mugiwara
Bermuda 1 3 Topic and a joke
Bermuda 2 5 Topic and a joke
Bermuda 3 3 Topic and a joke
Bermuda 4 2 Topic and a joke

I want more not less. just i started to enjoy and guess what, it finished faster than.... :o: Coffee break :D

Re: Bermuda Daily Issue #4

PostPosted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 10:29 pm
by Shadowood
Thank you for the articles!

If there isn't enough news, perhaps 1 a week would suffice. Daily could get taxing.

Re: Bermuda Daily Issue #4

PostPosted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 10:31 pm
by DezNutz
Loved the joke. Definitely made up for the news being short.

Re: Bermuda Daily Issue #4

PostPosted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 10:42 pm
by sXs
"One thing is certain, all 3,961 babies look suspiciously like Dozer White Beard."

Well probably better than looking like a Mugiwara.

Re: Bermuda Daily Issue #4

PostPosted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 10:50 pm
by Sebena
Mugiwara wrote:Bermuda 1 3 Topic and a joke
Bermuda 2 5 Topic and a joke
Bermuda 3 3 Topic and a joke
Bermuda 4 2 Topic and a joke

I want more not less. just i started to enjoy and guess what, it finished faster than.... :o: Coffee break :D

Thing with short issues are because real life had few twists and since I write stories while my other helpers seek topics and correct spelling mistakes so I am starting to write later then we intially planed but I hope that RL will get sorted soon and that I will be able to write more than now

Re: Bermuda Daily Issue #4

PostPosted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 10:56 pm
by Mugiwara
Wolfie wrote:
Mugiwara wrote:Bermuda 1 3 Topic and a joke
Bermuda 2 5 Topic and a joke
Bermuda 3 3 Topic and a joke
Bermuda 4 2 Topic and a joke

I want more not less. just i started to enjoy and guess what, it finished faster than.... :o: Coffee break :D

Thing with short issues are because real life had few twists and since I write stories while my other helpers seek topics and correct spelling mistakes so I am starting to write later then we intially planed but I hope that RL will get sorted soon and that I will be able to write more than now

Really no problem. im enjoying while reading. Also its not just for you all of us have issues irl its understandable;) i would like to see more chapter.

PS: Plato i felt a coup attempt how dare you :arr :arr