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Bermuda Daily Issue #2

PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 10:47 pm
by Sebena
Drafting player now is over

Today during the day draft ended and last rookies were chosen. Below we bring you teams from respected captains whom made this draft great again.

Captain DaVinci:
1. Sir Henry Morgan
2. william one eye
3. Trixikilikili
4. Kart
5. Ziggfried
6. Lockreed
7. Maha
8. Lord Av
9. The Pirate King
10. Ghent
11. Cutpurse

1. PhoenixKnight
2. Stan Rogers
3. Damn The Torpedos
4. Shaydo
5. Malachi
6. Diogenes of Sinope
7. BMW
8. Pyscodad
9. Jeanne de Clisson
10. Noffin
11. Banger

Black Sparrow:
1. Jim Hawkins
2. Skyhawk
3. Henry Avery
4. Lodswe
5. Valar Morghulis
6. Mohammed
7. Lana
8. Dejanira
9. Yosarian
10. Dozer White Beard
11. Soh Rakoor

Tom Lowe:
1. Danik
2. Haron
3. Wolfie
4. The Love Tiger
5. DezNutz
6. Pulpop
7. Lord McGowen
8. Ghost
9. Plato
10. Deadking
11. Twilight Consortium

Captain Dungeness:
1. Shadowood
2. Charles Vane
3. Juicy Potato
4. Sir Stenley Roise
5. Mugiwara
6. Meliva
7. Rasputin
8. Chalbaud
9. Captain Eagle
10. JB-Duke
11. DarkKnight

Voting will start shortly and Avonmora will decide what team is the best one. This draft has other side than just making things fun. It is vastly financed event and total of gold coins that was invested in this one is 195,000,000 millions. With Winner taking most of it so Avonmora get ready for sweet talk by these captains they might seem like people whom doesn't care really about the money, some might be like that but one thing is certain they all like winning. As independent voice we advise you choose carefully. According to our sources captains will need to introduce their team and explain why they chose players which they did so listen carefully because these drafts can be lists of teams which you wouldn't like to see working together against you.

Preparations for first ever Kaptain's Day are starting.

March 23rd is date when Avonmora celebrates first holiday ever. Most of you are familiar what Kaptain's Day is but for those who aren't we are bringing history behind that holiday. March 23rd 2016. Kart who is known as one of the legends in Avonmora decided to hire captains. You will say it's nothing huge I hire captains every day. Here is different story. Kart who was one of the original founders of SSTG and previouse king of our beloved country Bermuda owned more than 1000 ships. And it was way before shipwreck hunt was introduced. He managed to get that many ships with around 600 captains. He plundered and hired others to build ships for him. Admins didn't liked that idea and they encouraged him to sell of excess of ships but he never backed down from his way and idea until that March 23rd. That day after few months of not finding enough people to be bribed he gave up and started to hire captains. Some stories say that administrators weren't sobber for 2 days from celebrating their victory, but to acknowledge his effort they agreed that it is achivement worth of making it in official holiday. Kart didn't gave them full victory mostly due the excess of rum and headache admins agreed to gift away new captain to every active player on that day. That would be history behind this holiday. To celebrate it, Kart himself who semi-retired in the game decided to gift away fully upgraded and armed lvl 10 Ship of the Line to winner who guess correctly or close to total ammount of cannons he owned at the peek of his power. Your guess can be posted on special stand in tavern. Bermuda daily wishes you best of luck.

Avery's competition

Henry Avery one of the notorious pirates decided to host guessing game. He proclaimed that he is giving up from pirate life and as a farewell gift to that style of life he moved to Montenegro where he is building fleets and he will try his luck as a merchant. Now to make things interesting he wants you to guess his final ship count on April 18th. He is offering nice rewards for participants. Rules are simple you just need to post your guess on his stand in tavern and he offers you to fix your guess up to 3 times because it is known that brain doesn't work straight with so much rum in the body. Bermuda daily wishes you best of luck in guess and who knows maybe editorial decides to join the fun aswell.

What will happen with Egypt?

After recent merger about which we wrote in previouse issue, one of the biggest questions was brought on the surface. What will happen with Egypt now when their king decided to move out in new nation? Is Egypt sentenced to fall? Here in Bermuda Daily we don't think so. Egypt still has great players whom once were part of the big nation called Midway Island. They are capable of running the country and we see one of the Barons trying to recruit new players promising them gifts and good deals on the loans in their partnered bank. Although Egypt doesn't have ports now they might get some back once when merger is completed and St.Kitts decides to give up on three ports like they said in their public announcement. Time will tell but we strongly believe that Egypt is still nation to be recognized.

Bermuda is preparing for Kaptain's Day

If you arrive at shores of our sunny bathed shores you will see huge rush. At first you will think that is just port side. No entire country is buzzing in preparations streets are being decorated, Goats are being prepared to become tastiest food on Kaptain's Day. Greatest cloth is being made from our finest cotton to be sold. Tables and chairs are hand craved from our finest wood. Huge Bronze sculpture of our previouse King Kart is being made by best artist graduates from our Art schools. King Dozer White beard with his council decided that this day will be Nation Day. Matthew Carter one of the graduates from Art school when asked what he thinks and feels about Kaptain's Day said: „It is huge privilige to be able to work on this statue, entire country seems like it got fresh dose of adrenalin, kids are running around trying to help, elders are preparing things for cakes, our greatest cooks are preparing menu for celebration. Our brewers are trying to destilate finest rum. I feel that country got huge injection of optimism and happiness. We all were sad when our beloved king said that he is withdrawing from throne and moving on advisor posiion but deep down inside we all knew that he is doing so because it was best thing to do for our nation. Our current King and his council are awesome.“ Preparations are going great and we hope to see great celebration of our Nation Day.

Joke of the day

What happens to a frog's car when it breaks down?

It gets toad away.

Re: Brmuda DAily Issue #2

PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 10:48 pm
by Sebena
We are apologizing for the grammatical and spelling mistakes our language experts decided to skip the day at work.

Re: Brmuda DAily Issue #2

PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 10:49 pm
by Malachi Constant
Awesome!! Thank you Sir!!

Re: Brmuda Daily Issue #2

PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 10:54 pm
by Mugiwara
Nice job sir. Your team doing really well:)

Re: Brmuda Daily Issue #2

PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 11:04 pm
by Bmw
good issue

Re: Bermuda Daily Issue #2

PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 7:23 am
by Boosb
Good issue indeed :)

Re: Bermuda Daily Issue #2

PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 7:34 am
by Shadowood
Nice issue!

Re: Bermuda Daily Issue #2

PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 11:36 am
by James Delaney
Interesting history for those of us who are very new newbies....Thanks for taking the trouble to do this

Re: Bermuda Daily Issue #2

PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 11:59 am
by Haron
A nice summary of the latest events!

Re: Bermuda Daily Issue #2

PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 1:03 pm
by DezNutz
Very good.