Bermuda Daily - Issue #22: What is

Bermuda Daily - Issue #22: What is

Postby Dejanira » Sun Aug 19, 2018 9:22 am

Bermuda Daily - Issue #22

What is...
Well, this is a hook to this Issue song, but also this is a what is Bermuda Daily. It started as a newspaper, a daily magazine about what happens in Avonmora. This first serie lasted four Issues (actually four and a half). After a long pause started the second serie, a reprise just because I was playing with the idea of sharing a song daily, like if I were at a radio. That's why the double naming of Bermuda Daily and Radio Bermuda.

The What is of today's title refers to a song of the early 70s too. One published by George Harrison alone in his monumental 1970 triple album named All Things Must Pass (which is, yes, one of the tracks, but also of course refers to Beatles' split).
Harrison wrote this song originally to give it to Billy Preston but as the recordings go by he included in his own first solo album. It was recorded at Abbey Road Studios with the little help of Eric Clapton and the Delaney & Bonnie ensemble.

So Radio Image Bermuda presents today What is Life by George Harrison.

Side note: when the track was recorded, there still were no videos. So images were added to this song in a second time. Sometimes these kind of videos are made pasting footage photographs or short videos taken from live shows, to this song anyway was added an original video. A girl dancing in the outdoors, alone at the beginning and with a friend (lover?) at the end. Does the video fit with the song? I don't know. I personally don't like it too much. What do you think?

See you tomorrow.
Stay tuned on Radio Image Bermuda!
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