Bermuda Daily Issue #6: Good Day Sunshine

Bermuda Daily Issue #6: Good Day Sunshine

Postby Dejanira » Tue Jul 31, 2018 4:50 am

Bermuda Daily Issue #6

Here's the new issue of this second serie.
Hopping thru the years, lets jump from R.E.M. to a different (but not that much) very classy band.
This song appeared in 1966 by the pen of Paul McCartney, even if of course is credited to Lennon-McCartney as many others of that decade. It was issued as a B side single the very next day of the album Revolver. The album summoned some critics for its psychedelical cover, designed by a artist very close to the band: Klaus Voorman. The song itself is anything but a welcome to the new day. McCartney plays the piano with George Martin and the recording ends with people clapping hands... the Beatles themselves clapping their hands at the end of the recording, done in just two days.

For this sort of Radio Bermuda the today song is Good Day Sunshine by The Beatles

Stay tuned on Radio Image Bermuda!
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