Royal Stipends

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Royal Stipends

Postby Captain Jack » Tue Jul 19, 2016 1:13 pm

Royal Stipends are daily payments send from a nation treasury towards a nation citizen daily.

*The payments take place right before the map update (approximately 10 minutes after the resources/daily update).
*The payments are placed directly to players treasury at hand.

The nation officials can configure:
-The amount of gold that every player can receive per day.
-The minimum reserves a nation needs before payments can start.

*For the stipends to be given out, the total amount needed for all ranks, when paid, it must meet the minimum reserves point. If not, then no stipend at all will be paid. So either all ranks are paid as the law specifies or no one, till the treasury can afford it.

-Maximum amount of stipend currently set at 5M
-They can only be sent to players that have spent at least 1000 turns.
-The players must be active (Last login time must be maximum 7 days ago)
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Re: Royal Stipends

Postby Captain Jack » Tue Jul 19, 2016 3:51 pm

Btw, this is a Law requested a long time ago:

Also, this implementation expanded our Law System considerably. We can now support title-specific laws in addition to title groups and specific characters that have been already supported.

As a result, most of the law-system files have been updated and you should all be wary for possible glitches when adopting or revising laws. As always, we double and triple check everything but it is always best that you are wary in every new implementation and report fast whatever seems to not work as expected.
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Re: Royal Stipends

Postby DezNutz » Fri Jul 22, 2016 8:53 pm

Is the 5M hard limit per player/rank?
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Re: Royal Stipends

Postby Captain Jack » Fri Jul 22, 2016 8:57 pm

DezNutz wrote:Is the 5M hard limit per player/rank?

Yes. Daily. Use the Minimum Reserves article too for better control (I already read the other discussion :P )
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Re: Royal Stipends

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Sun Jul 24, 2016 4:44 am

If the total amounts payable to all the players qualified under the law exceed the treasury funds available (75% of total) or will leave less than the minimum funds set in the law, then no payments get made that day.

It's worth checking the voting power table to establish how many of each rank exist in your nation : dont forget, each will get the pay-out for that rank if active.

As an example : if all potential pay-outs total 7.5 million : then you will need 10 million in the treasury at reset : but, if you have set a minimum treasury level of 5 million, no pay-out gets made as to do so would breach that limit : so, to make that 7.5 million payment, you would need 12.5million in funds at reset. Also, any outstanding pay-out votes count towards the 75% limit.
-1 : Move to archive.
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Re: Royal Stipends

Postby Captain Jack » Wed Jul 27, 2016 9:57 am

We also chenged-cleared out the activity limitation issue:

Code: Select all
-The players must be active (Last login time must be maximum 7 days ago)

Nation's Treasury overview (Royal Stipends expected cost) now takes in mind this limitation normally.
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