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Multi Seller Purchase

PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 10:09 pm
by PhoenixKnight
Hi, the resource market allows us to buy any quantity from any seller. The issue is we can only buy from one seller at a time and you don't know how much you have now in the warehouse.

I would like 2 suggestions.

1. Add the quantity of that resource you have in the warehouse in the market page.
2. Add a Buy button at the bottom so you can select all the amount you want from different sellers and buy one shot.

Re: Multi Seller Purchase

PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 10:23 pm
by Cutpurse
the first one is already added. if youre on market place in aiora buying cotton, you do see how much of it you have in your warehouse, along with how much free space you have to buy more.

i too would like to see the second one added, it would make buying goods easier and faster, if theres many small amounts for sale from different sellers