New tech-Experienced Shipbuilders

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New tech-Experienced Shipbuilders

Postby Meliva » Tue Nov 13, 2018 12:15 am

With the coming of traits I think a new tech associated with them would be nice, so here is that suggestion.

Name-Experienced shipbuilders
Description-having spent quite some time, money and effort on your shipbuilding management, many of your workers have greatly improved their skills under proper leadership, and can make better ships then most others.

Requires shipwright management to be level 20.
Effect-Each level decreases the chance of getting a bad trait on your ship by a certain amount, and increases your chance of ships you build getting an extra trait by .2 percent. This means at max level, your chance of getting a second trait go up from 1% to 5%. The percent of decreases bad ships is up to debate.

Costs-I imagine it should be more expensive then shipwright, and maybe have a small credit cost like accountants.
Time-longer then shipwright as well, maybe add a 10% increase.

Would love to hear others thoughts and opinions on this.
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Re: New tech-Experienced Shipbuilders

Postby Shadowood » Tue Nov 13, 2018 12:45 am

I like the idea. I want to test the new mechanics first before I can fully support. Also, we need to know the full mechanics of Positive and Negative traits (percentages and such).

+1 for now, but with revisions.
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