Haron wrote:I agree with Vane. I don't think a cap on storage is the way to go.
I think whenever a new "pack" of cards is introduced (if ever), then there should be a period where "swapping" recipes are cheaper.
Also, we may consider to cap the Witch Hut itself to level 10 in the beginning. There may not be THAT many legendary recipes. And if new cards are introduced, the level cap can be increased to, say, 15. Allowing people to expand the hut and get some of the new recipes.
I agree that there shouldn't be a cap on storage, as in number of legendary cards one can own.
I think the Witch Hut could be setup similarly to the Mansion and Academy. Like the Mansion, the Witch Hut would only allow a player X recipes per Level. The Witch Hut would show all recipes, but you could only use the ones you have "researched", like the Academy. Research costs would be depend on the recipe and once you have researched it, you can craft as many of those cards as you can. There would also be an option to disregard a recipe, so you can learn a different recipe if you have reached the cap. Disregarded recipes must be relearned. This would allow for strategy within the Witch Hut, so that not everyone will have the same Witch Hut setups.
I also agree that the Witch Hut should be capped by levels initially, but based on my suggestion and the number of Legendary Card Recipes available. No player should be able to have every recipe available to them. For example if when implemented, there are 20 Recipes and Each Level of the Witch Hut gives you 5 Recipes, I think the Witch Hut should be capped at Level 3 until more recipes exist.
Hopefully that made sense.
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