Most people just keep the goods and trade them to earn pure profits. So, this kind of thing is gonna happen.
This is something I've said quite a few times before, way before anyone ever did.
I think it has come time for me to make a suggestion to fix this.
Ever saw this before?
Very simple.
Legal Mode is after you've gotten a Operating Permission from the governor.
The plantation in legal mode must always sell their goods to the market straight away after producing them, and can't store them, unless he just buys them from the market.
The plantation can rent more acres.
Illegal Mode is when you have no Operating permission, you can still produce goods.
The plantation in illegal mode can't sell goods produced to the market. He can only store them.
The plantation produce 10% less.
The plantation improve 80% slower.
The plantation can only order a 100 acres rent per day. Also have a corruption fee of 10gc each acres you must pay no matter the actual price of each acres.
This also fix the issue with people who worked very hard to build up a plantation but couldn't use it anymore because the governor is being an as.