Name : Frozen Sea
(5 turns)
Extend the current journey of that fleet by 1 hours, a maximum of 3 can be cast on a fleet every day.
The next day, only 2 can be cast, the day after that, only 1 can be cast.Continue after the 3rd day will stay being 1 cast.
[Player Limit, 1st day(12 cast), 2nd day(10 cast), 3rd day and after that(6 cast)]
This resets after each week.
If the target fleet in not moving, all ships in the fleet will take 1% damage multiply by X, where as X is every 1 turn invested.(With a max of 10X)
Not as hideous, but still quite hideous.
Opinions are welcome.
Here is what it does in words.
:- Delay ship from coming, may damage target fleet.
8th May 2016, edited the cast limit.
12 June 2016, Added a poll.
12 June 2016, Added a maybe artwork for it,