I intended to write a Credit History Report Suggestion for my Loan Management Suggestion (
viewtopic.php?f=34&t=3006). Just never really got around to doing it.
Gist of my thoughts is the report would be available through a link on a loan request (within the Loan Management). Report would pull a list of previous requests (day requested and amount), and a list of all loans (Day Loan was Taken, Bank, Amount, Current Status). There would be a link on the loans that would open a detailed report that would show the payment history of the loan. Detail report would show when loan started, #of payments, status of each payment (on time, late, paid early, not due yet).
Initially I was thinking of charging X credits per report. Also that the link to the report would be time limited. One shouldn't be able to just pull a report that has detailed loan history whenever they want.
I'm not keen on the using of a scoring system without a detailed discussion on how it would work.