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fleets view page (Small)

Fri Nov 29, 2013 3:10 pm
by Captain Eagle
a)the curent amount of ships/fleet are 5...why don't we have let's say 10 or 15 ships/ could be a lot easyer to manage your fleets and view where they are
b)the current fleets/page are 10...make it 25 or make a button at the bottm right of the screen for more options(25 fleets/page, 50 fleets/page, 100 fleets/page and so on)
Edited by Skyhawk
Edited by DezNutz (strikeout)
Re: fleets view page

Fri Nov 29, 2013 4:45 pm
by Jim Hawkins
I agree with point b) especially for members with large numbers of ships.
a) I think is ok at 5 to keep it realist. Above 5 ships and it becomes an armada. Imagine Battle fleets of that size only the rich would win
Re: fleets view page

Fri Nov 29, 2013 4:51 pm
by Captain Eagle
yeah i think you are right about a)
Re: fleets view page

Fri Nov 29, 2013 7:41 pm
by Captain Eagle
but i have another about the ships/fleet are direct responsive to your rank in your nation
lets say you are in:
peasant class->5 ships/fleet
military class->6 ships/fleet
noble class->7 ships/fleet
high noble class->duke->8 ships/fleet
->governor->9 ships/fleet
->king->10 ships/fleet
this was just an example but something like
Re: fleets view page

Sat Nov 30, 2013 2:13 am
by Roileon
I disagree with idea A presented and any idea of increasing fleet size. This would only make a larger economic and power gap between large and small players. It's is the least amount of good more the most amount of people to increase fleet size by even one ship. 5 though is a good balance and maintains the status of most good, for the most people.
Re: [Review] fleets view page

Wed Nov 14, 2018 2:20 am
by Hawk
Wow larger fleets.. I can't even begin to imagine all the ramifications of that. Recommend to general discussion for more input.
Re: [REVIEW] fleets view page

Wed Nov 14, 2018 2:24 am
by PFH
I agree with hawk. Bring that idea into general discussion. I could see some tech in the future being made for this that could be cheap to invest into in the short term but heck of a lot more expensive further along.
I say aye with moving to general discussions
Re: [REVIEW] fleets view page

Wed Nov 14, 2018 4:35 am
by DezNutz
A two part suggestion.
My assessment is in line with Jim and Roi. Part B of the suggestion (# of fleets viewable per page ) actually makes sense and is worthy of implementation. Part A (# of ships in a fleet) is not.
Could you imagine a 10 ship fleet. I'd make the first 5 ships MoWs and the last 5 cutters or sloops. And with ship traits being implemented, could you imagine a fleet with 9 MoWs or SotLs and an unsinkable cutter as the tail (Only need 10 or less ships to have 0% sink chance) I don't even think this is even worthy of a discussion.
I think we should do one of two things. Disapprove and resubmit the # of Viewable Fleets on a page as its own approved suggestion, or Approve and make note that Point A is absolutely rejected and is not part of the intended implementation.
Re: [REVIEW] fleets view page

Wed Nov 14, 2018 3:28 pm
by Charles Vane
I am in complete allignment with dez on this..
I quite like the idea of increasing “viewable” fleet numbers per page and approve this +1.
For increasing ship numbers in a fleet, especially to 10 is a hard felt No from me. Perhaps by one in the future from the mechanics of another feature, there are a few even one from CJ that we will come across that suggested adding an extra ship based on a form of guarding or escorting. If this limit ever did increase it would need to be universal for all and very modest in the approach while maybe even offering downsides in fleet speed etc.
In short my vote is..
Re-write B as a standalone and Approve. Disapprove A.
Re: [REVIEW] fleets view page

Wed Nov 14, 2018 4:10 pm
by PFH
I approve B. A is a lost cause at this time of discussion
+1 to B as well. Approved. -Skyhawk