Guild Based Bonuses / Guild Cont. System / Tech Tree(Medium)

Here you can find all the ideas/suggestions that have already been approved by administration. These ideas will stay here in queue till they are implemented or... postponed! Feel free to browse through the ideas, add your own ideas and help us prioritize them correctly.

Re: Guild Based Bonuses / Guild Contribution System / Tech T

Postby Jack Teach » Sat Dec 09, 2017 7:44 pm

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Re: Guild Based Bonuses / Guild Contribution System / Tech T

Postby Shadowood » Thu Sep 13, 2018 4:53 pm

Bump due to recent discussion. Plus it was well received back when I first posted.
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Re: Guild Based Bonuses / Guild Contribution System / Tech T

Postby sXs » Thu Sep 13, 2018 4:58 pm

This I agree with, but it would have a specific purpose. The guild bank suggestion only purpose is redistribution of wealth and assets to other players

" in the hands of their members who can utilise them best."

Completely different
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Re: (Review)Guild Based Bonuses / Guild Cont. System / Tech

Postby Kangaroo » Sun Apr 21, 2019 3:44 am

Shadowood wrote:Good day sailors! I have been thinking a lot about how to make guilds more enjoyable, interactive, and competitive. I would like to suggest a Guild Based Contribution System that has multiple affects. This is of course an idea in infancy stage, but I would like to share my thoughts for feedback.

1. A new HIDEOUT building needs to be created. For now I am calling it "Embassy" (open for suggestions here). The idea here is, to be able to contribute to your guild, first you will need to grow large enough to build a Hideout, then you will need to fund the building of an Embassy. If you do not have an Embassy built, you will NOT be able to take advantage of Guild Based Bonuses until you do. I would suggest keeping the building cost in line with other Hideout buildings. This building, once built, would not need to be upgraded at all. Through the Embassy you are now able to contribute resources needed for your guilds TECH TREE growth.

- For now I see this only for SHIP BONUSES. But I can see this as a way to expand into other areas as the game grows. (NPC Monster Hunting, Nation Benefits, Voodoo Benefits, etc)
- The ship part of the Tech Tree would have 2 main branches (Trade Vessels and War Ships). Guild members would contribute resources to be able to invest/upgrade this Tech Tree. The guildmaster would have ultimate say in what would be the next tech to be invested in, but a good guildmaster would of course get a vote from his guild. (a new function in guild member area "configure ranks" could be added to aid in this area of control)
- Techs would have certain levels and each level would give an extra bonus, but each level would increase in cost of resources.
- Each Tech would take time to "research". The higher the level the longer the research takes
- Guild members would be able to contribute "Turns" to speed up tech, if they so wish.
- Once a Tech is finished researching this Tech will be everlasting and always be 'on' for members of this guild (who have an embassy built)
- A "max" contribution per day will need to be put in place so 1 Massive Player can't just fill the guild coffers for everyone. This is to be a TEAM EFFORT.

3. Tech Suggestions -
- Some Techs will aid in both Trade and War ships as you will see
- Trade Ships: Percentage of Cargo Space upgrade (each level invested gives a 2% cargo space increase to all trade vessels - Max Lvl 10)
Percentage increase for Double Hammocks ATT (this is to aid in Fishing Industry, but also probability to hit) (2.5% per level, max lvl 20)
Percentage increase for Cotton Sails ATT (to aid in ship speed for trade, of course this also helps for war ships)(2.5% per level, max lvl 20)
- War Ships: More Cannons (2 extra guns per level researched - Max lvl 10)
Percentage increase Bronze Cannon (2.5% per level, max lvl 20)
Percentage increase Copper Plating (2.5% per level, max lvl 20)

Ship bonuses could potentially show up on your ships screen just like Lazy Craftmans display, but I suggest Green as a color

4. Guild Power Rankings:
With the addition to this "Tech Tree" I would like to incorporate it into how to better determine the 'strength' of a guild. Perhaps a formula of (Fame, Influence, Tech Researched, etc) can be discussed and displayed to gauge the 'strongest' guild in game.

5. With the addition to the Embassy, I would like to include a guild Banking System to tie into it as well. I think guild contributions but also, @Captain Jack 's suggestion about a tax could work as well. See his own suggestion here ... +tax#p6828

That's it for now. There are plenty more ideas that could be added to this list, but I wanted to get feedback first. Thoughts?

Marked for review.
I believe it's an idea that will add much to the value of guilds.
The OP contains enough for a fleshing out of mechanics.
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Re: (Review)Guild Based Bonuses / Guild Cont. System / Tech

Postby PFH » Sun Apr 21, 2019 4:18 am

My +1 is still the same. I approve personally
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Re: (Review)Guild Based Bonuses / Guild Cont. System / Tech

Postby PhoenixKnight » Sun Apr 21, 2019 6:22 am

I like it. I suggested similar before
Recurrent fees or guild tax where part of your income goes to the guild.
Guild bank and treasurer
Guild Company where newbies or others can join and work directly under the guild council who will manage their ships as part of the guild fleet.
Ranking evaluation, guilds administers a sort of exam to determine ranking and affiliation of the member to trading, piracy,,...
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Re: (Review)Guild Based Bonuses / Guild Cont. System / Tech

Postby PFH » Tue Apr 23, 2019 10:36 pm

Needs votes
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Re: (Review)Guild Based Bonuses / Guild Cont. System / Tech

Postby sXs » Tue Apr 23, 2019 11:36 pm

Would rather see nation upgrades before this.

Not against it though as long as it comes with some nation upgrades.
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Re: (Review)Guild Based Bonuses / Guild Cont. System / Tech

Postby Snowy McScruff » Wed Apr 24, 2019 8:31 am

I like it however players will have to stay in established guilds to have a fair shake. While giving no benefits once kicked or left the guild.
It needs to have a way for players to leave and retain some of the investment.


A group of players contributes 60% of the resources/gold for guild tech and they gains a contribution score valued at their percentage invested
Invest %5 of resources your score is 5

Once Contribution score of a tech is below 50 in a guild, the tech is lost and the guild has to research the tech again.

Each player also gains a small bonus to research this tech in line with their contribution. Bonus %(Contribution_Score/10)*

*Max of %10 bonus
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Re: (Review)Guild Based Bonuses / Guild Cont. System / Tech

Postby Kangaroo » Wed Apr 24, 2019 1:14 pm

I am a +1 here
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