Back in the day, we generated 1 map per day. This happened no matter if there were port changes or not. This resulted in tons of maps that were the same. So, to keep things clean, we have cleaned the old maps a few times.
Then, one day, we thought the obvious: we should only generate a map when a change happens. This brilliant idea happened on October 2015.
So, here is the overall picture right now:
March 27, 2010 -> Eternal Glory server starts -> Map at 1st day: ... 662701.gifThen, till May 15, 2013, we have about 15 maps online. We might be able to find all the rest if we look at backups.
From May 15, 2013, we got all maps till October 2015 where we started saving only unique ones. The problem though with all these maps is that they will need human filtering before they can be incorporated into a "Look in the Past" feature as such a feature as you need to be able to show off to users when there were changes on the map.
From October 2015 till now, all maps are there and filtered already. We could even extract all conquest moves out of them and log them into the game (as we started logging them only recently).
Sure thing is that such a feature would greatly combo with Biography/Achievements feature, global events, various guild/country logs and more, resulting in a more visualized history in getting the picture on how the map looked at every event.
Therefore, this is something we will surely look to build in the future.