Maha wrote:Bounty board wrote:1 ziggfried (#50467) 500,000 per Voodoo Curse Confuse 5,000,000 13d 22h 22m
2 irrelevant bounty offer
3 ziggfried (#50467) 240,000 per Voodoo Curse Time Spiral 12,000,000 13d 22h 20m
4 an even more irrelevant and ridiculous bounty offer
Maha is smart, Maha beliefs he knows who put bounty on ziggfried
The person who has set up a bounty offer cannot collect it : so, when the card gets cast, but no-one collects the bounty : it's a bit of a clue as to who put up the dosh. Does open up the question as to why offer a bounty then cast it yourself... but its an odd world out there...