Regarding game servers

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Regarding game servers

Postby Captain Jack » Tue Apr 16, 2013 4:34 pm

I read a players' analyzation about server life and I thought to post some valuable info about this, sooner than later.

-The game server is named Eternal Glory
-The game server started at 2010-03-27 02:00:00 and it Ends at 2020-01-01 00:00:00
-So this game server is 3 years old now

There is another server in Pirates Glory:
Deathmatch Server
Started at 2008-09-01 00:00:00 | Ended at: 2011-01-08 00:00:00
This server lasted almost 2.5 years. It was the first server and it was never meant to last that long at first place.

Here is the relative changelog entry:
Code: Select all
-0.3.13:Renamed Server 2 to Eternal Glory
-0.3.14:Eternal Glory end day set to Jan 1 2020.
-0.3.15:Standard renamed to Deathmatch
-0.3.16:Standard will run in 180days intervals.
-0.3.17:Server selection screen now informs you of end day of each server
-0.3.18:Server selection screen now informs you of total players in each server

Our objectives as a development team is to have one server that is endless (Eternal Glory) and one or more Deathmatch Server(s) that reset on a fixed time. Like 2 or 3 or 6 months each time. The mechanisms we have built so far, allow us to add as many servers we would like.

What is important to be underlined here is that since only Eternal Glory is open right now and is not bound to end anytime soon, it should be regarded as endless. It might be already announced that it will end in 2020 but this can change easily. For example, If the game server thrives in 2019, then we will definitely extend its lifespan. Our effort for Eternal Glory is to create a persistent world.

For those that are more fond of fixed short time servers, you will have to wait a bit. The reason for this wait is not general but has to do with the game player base strengthen. In particular, we cannot afford to split the playerbase in half right now. Not even to 1/3. We do not want to lose players from Eternal Glory to a Deathmatch server.

Of course, in such cases (and I speak from vast experience) players end up playing two servers. However this is not the majority. Moreover, a deathmatch server requires more aggressive advertising for our game, something we are not able to do right now. But most importantly, it is very difficult to implement new features across multiple versions.

So our objective here is to keep developing Eternal Glory. Once the game reaches a state which we will find convenient, (in terms of playerbase, financial position and game version) we will launch a deathmatch server and see how it goes. A deathmatch server will have different setup but same mechanisms for the most part. Then any new implementations will take place strictly only in Eternal Glory and whenever the deathmatch server resets,any new implementations will be copied to the deathmatch one(s).

Finally, our vision here is to expand this game as much as possible. We know the whereabouts but only to a certain point. The rest, we will need to discover them together. Therefore, we are always open to constructive harassment-free criticism from anyone even for choices like how we should handle our game servers policy.
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Captain Jack
Project Coordinator
Posts: 4043
Joined: Tue Feb 08, 2011 1:12 am
Location: Pania

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