Monthly Report - December 28

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Monthly Report - December 28

Postby Captain Jack » Fri Dec 28, 2018 2:43 pm

Ahoy all,

Here is the outline of what I will present to you today:

-Recent Developments
-Development Schedule
-Community Development
-Playerbase growth
-How you can help

Recent Developments

This past month a lot of work has been recorded. We have ship traits, which are a part of our bigger focus to enhance pvp battles. They also are a part of ship specialization which has been a development objective for years.

We currently have 9 ship traits and more will follow later.

We also had:
-Numerous interface improvements
-A bunch of new statistics
-A new rankings category: Combat Rankings
-A new feature: Automatic naming for ships
-Private Marina can now be upgraded up to level 30.

All in all, it has been a VERY BUSY period.

Development Schedule

There is no change in our schedule for the next month, I will remind the key elements here:

1)User Interface
2)More PvP/PvE
3)Features for Newcomers

There are multiple projects we are already working on and are related to all three above. We are still on FAST FORWARD speed in terms of development which ultimately means that a lot of the usual forum work is skipped in order to forward development faster. This will continue for the coming month.

Community Development

Community Development has become an everyday part of the work we put at the game. The community must be developed up to a point well it will not only play a role in game development but also will be able to help it.

We are in good track as more and more players are involved and upgraded.

Right now, we have openings for the Player Dev Team (speak to Captain Jack for a position there) and to Facebook Moderators (speak to Wolfie for a position there)

Playerbase Growth

New accounts last 30 days: 1,040 (420 in last report, an increase of 248%).

Here is an overview on account metrics (in brackets, change since last report):

Accounts Status
Total Accounts 119,390
Total Characters 16,451
Without Character 102,939
Characters flagged Active 3,779
Characters flagged inactive 12,672

Accounts Status
Total Accounts 120,576 (+1,186)
Total Characters 16,993 (+542)
Without Character 103,583 (+644)
Characters flagged Active 4,018 (+239)
Characters flagged inactive 12,975 (+303)

How can you help

We must not underestimate the importance of participation to the forums. Either for game development or simply socializing. Some of you, might prefer in-game forums or guilds or even the slack channel we have. Whichever this is, we all must remember that the social part of the game is the epitome of what this game offers.

PG is a great opportunity to meet with people from all over the world so this Christmas, this is the best thing you can do to help. Just get involved in our great community.


This signals the end of this monthly report.

For any questions or feedback, please post!

Till next time then! :y
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Captain Jack
Project Coordinator
Posts: 4043
Joined: Tue Feb 08, 2011 1:12 am
Location: Pania

Re: Monthly Report - December 28

Postby Magnus the red » Sat Dec 29, 2018 3:16 am

What makes accounts flagged as active?
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Magnus the red
Posts: 445
Joined: Mon May 14, 2018 8:30 pm

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