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[Review}National Debt Inquisition Law

PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 3:29 pm
by PFH
Most of the accounts on this game are inactive, and are inactive into port owning nations and have debts toward the nation, a debt that can never be reclaimed if the player chooses not to pay it.

I am proposing a change of this.

Currently, Spain has over 130 million gold in debt from not paying players, and this is only one nation.

How are we supposed to collect this gold? We cant if they choose not to pay, and this gold is forever stacked and lost from national hands.

I propose the National Debt Inquisition Law.

1st idea:

This is activated upon vote from the nation to impose a inquisition upon a player in debt of the flag. Like eotc, attacking the player earns honor points, but only 4 points.

This can only be active if said player owes more than 1/3 of the limit set for national debt.

2/3rds of the gc plunder made from plundering the player is sent to the treasury as repayment upon their debt. Ships plundered from the player are automatically sold to shipwright into gc toward debt owed to the nation. The amount the ship is worth can exceed the debt, so if you owed 1,000,000 gc to tokelau and a tokelau player steals a ship of the line level 10 60 points, that entire worth of the ship is sent to the treasury.

Only players within the nation that attack the player with debt can collect debt for the country.

This law turns off when the debt has been cleared completely.

2nd idea: same thing as above, except the law is constantly active and marks anyone who meets the criteria for the inquisition law, instead of one player at a time.

Re: National Debt Inquisition Law

PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 3:49 pm
by DezNutz
Good direction but needs some tweaks.

First, it would have to be by vote to each player. You can't have it automatically based.

Second, it would only apply to a player that no longer is a member of the nation. (Obvious)

Third, it should be for any debt amount.

Re: National Debt Inquisition Law

PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 3:27 am
by Magnus the red
I agree with deznutz +1

Re: National Debt Inquisition Law

PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 12:26 pm
by Most Lee Harmless
Lol.. 130million debts in Spain... Mexico is owed nearly 3 billion by the Fox scoundrels who attempted to steal its treasury. Almost 2/3rds of that is owed by one player who is still active. Now raising the ship tax to an insane level was one of the few tools Mexico had to defend itself : firstly to discourage joining especially ny smaller players. At times crucial votes turned on just a few votes : second was using blocking votes to freeze pay-outs... now nerfed. Third was using PvP to sicken the attackers : 2/3rds of FOX were defleeted but that didnt stop them voting. No nation can stop a player joining even if their intent is solely to damage or even totally destroy that nation. It always seemed wrong to me that the nation had to risk all in its defence but the attackers only had to worry about the cost of ranking up. Having failed they just walked away with no cost at all. Even their debts which they freely accumulated get forgotten.
Thats all wrong in my book.
Myself and TLT which others did the same to the USA and Midway. Merc and others did it to Spain. And all far too easily for nation have bugger all tools to defend themselves or recover their costs. That falls on their active citizens.
Should nations have to risk loss and depradation? Hell yes, they should.. but so should the attacker and that cost of attack should be paid not left to sit as a reminder that the cheapest option for any nation is to just hand it all over on day one.
And if, as was suggested at the time by CJ, its thought that its the nations own fault for hiking the ship tax to its limit well.. who set that limit and why should a nation ignore one of its few means of defence?
Honor points? What earthly use are they to anyone who isnt thinking of joining that nation? Enemy of the Crown means what exactly? A nice icon on your profile is all.
But the one tool which does have the potential to cause harm and financial damage to an attacker.. debt recovery... well, we cant have that as its.. what? Wrong?

Re: [Review}National Debt Inquisition Law

PostPosted: Wed Apr 17, 2019 9:24 am
by sXs
I like the concept, but does need some work. It would be something that would need to be a "start from zero" scenario I think.

Re: [Review}National Debt Inquisition Law

PostPosted: Wed Apr 17, 2019 1:54 pm
by PFH
So which idea is more appealing overall? Is it the 1st proposal or the 2nd? Ill do edits to the most preferred

Re: [Review}National Debt Inquisition Law

PostPosted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 3:30 pm
by DezNutz
I'm going to spitball here and it's a bad idea, but it is just something to get the minds thinking. Players with debts who are inactive and I mean seriously inactive (90+ days), selling/confiscation of non-ship assets (Officers/Tech/Hideout Upgrades) to pay debts.

Re: [Review}National Debt Inquisition Law

PostPosted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 3:33 pm
by Magnus the red
Maybe an increase I've come back from 90 days inactive but I do understand from the interest of time

Re: [Review}National Debt Inquisition Law

PostPosted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 3:41 pm
by DezNutz
Magnus the red wrote:Maybe an increase I've come back from 90 days inactive but I do understand from the interest of time

That's why I said it's a bad idea. Players have come back to play from longer breaks than that. Although in general, you shouldn't be collecting up debt.

Re: [Review}National Debt Inquisition Law

PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 10:36 pm
by PFH
Needs votes