In a previous post I suggested the idea of adding fisheries to the world of Avonmora. During that conversation Vane brought up the subject of there being many different income streams in the game, and it being too easy for players to run every income stream and rack up enormous wealth.
(If you want to read more on that topic, you can find it here: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=3768#p53836)
The suggestion was made that there should be blocks put in place to limit a player from running all of the income streams.
I have been giving this some thought as of late, and have come up with a solution I wanted to lay on the table for discussion.
The suggestion is to add a fourth officer to the game: the Overseer.
Overseers are trusted individuals that one would hire to basically manage an enterprise. Owning a bank, goldsmith, plantation, fishery, or any other such income structure that may be added in the future would require the hiring of an Overseer.
For every Overseer you own however, the profits of each enterprise drop a bit due to "corruption". The more Overseers you own, the more corruption enters into your business dealings.
For instance, a player could hire up to 5 Overseers and not suffer from corruption. After 5 Overseers you would begin to see losses. Lets say a 1%-3% corruption loss per Overseer over 5.
5 Overseers would give no loss from corruption.
10 Overseers would give a potential 5%-15% loss from corruption across the board in all of your various enterprises.
20 Overseers would give a potential 15%-45% loss each day in any enterprise.
It would begin to add up, and the player would have to choose how they want to set up their income stream- put their hands in many different occupations and see diminished returns, or limit their endeavors in favor of a more secure profit margin.
Players do like to diversify, however, so I would submit adding a new tech for research at the Academy- Administrative Oversight (or some such thing). Basically it is an investment in establishing better accountability and oversight in one's business activities, thus reducing corruption in larger operations. This would allow a player to reduce (but not eliminate) corruption losses and allow for them to hire more Overseers so they can participate in different enterprises. Eventually corruption losses would stack up though, even with the tech, and getting involved in more enterprises would not be profitable beyond a certain point.
The idea is to make players have to think more strategically as they plan which route they wish to pursue with regard to how they are going to generate wealth. While operations such as plantations or fisheries would require one Overseer each, larger and potentially more profitable enterprises such as banking and goldsmithing should possibly require more than one Overseer each- I would suggest 3 Overseers to establish a bank, and 2 for Goldsmith.
Prices for hiring an Overseer should scale upward fairly quickly after 5, and costs for corruption reducing tech at the Academy should be on par with tech costs such as Officer Contracts.
Still thinking over this though, and looking forward to hearing suggestions.
Humbly submitted...