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New Card Ability: Echo

PostPosted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 7:15 am
by Captain Jack
Echo Ability
-Will be added to selected enchantment cards.
-Echo ability will have a rating from 0 (no echo ability) to unlimited (we will put a hard limit of 5 as a start).
-For each echo rating, caster is able to extend the original duration of the enchantment by 1 (For example, echo 3 will mean that a 24hour duration will become 72hours).
-Echo duration will be caster triggered, which means that the echo rating will in fact define the maximum number.
-For each selected echo, the caster will pay an additional card plus 1 turn.

For example, lets suppose we add Echo 5 to Pacifism card.
Then, a player tries to cast it.
The player will be prompted to select the echo rating. If the user selects 0, a normal cast will take place:
-It will consume 1 Pacifism Card
-It will cost the player 4 turns
-The enchantment will be valid for 24hours.

Let's suppose that the player decides to make it echo 3 instead. In this case:
-It will consume 3 cards.
-It will cost the player 6 turns.
-The enchantment will be valid for 72hours.

This ability is to encourage the usage of a handful of underused enchantments. It provides pros and cons for both sides (caster and victim) and should improve usability at every card this ability is placed.

We could even consider placing at cards to improve gameplay and fight off repetition moves (ie Mindbar, Emergency Call, Royal Fleet Auxiliary, etc). In fact, most enchantments should get this except the enchantments that have configurable duration already (ie Blacklist). Avenge cards should also get it but with lower echo ratings (ie Maximum 2 or 3).

Feel free to add your input. Your feedback is welcomed. We are mostly interested for your opinion on the ability itself but also at which cards this should be placed or at which cards this must not be placed.

This is a relatively each implementation (about 1 day) and we feel it will drastically improve the game. So the priority on this is very high. Which means that it should make it in our "summer update".

-What is summer update
A little off topic but let me share this as well. We have been working on various features, including plantations. If you are not already aware, we have intentionally slowed down the pace of new implementations coming into the game, for stability reasons. Still, ideas and features are pilling up very fast, so we have thought to make a major game update before July 10. That's the summer update.

We want to do this as fast as possible, so we can have enough time to support any malfunctions that the new features may bring, before our vacation time starts. While we are typically available 24/7 all year long, during vacation time development time stops. This typically takes place in August.

So, the plan is as follows:
-Finalize a few things in the next few days.
-Launch a bunch of new things till early July at worse.
-Use July to fix any issues that come up.
-Pass through August without any new features (and hopefully with no real issues to resolve).
-Resume high-pace development in September.

Re: New Card Ability: Echo

PostPosted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 10:10 am
by Grimrock Litless
What voodoo would have the ability?
All duration voodoo or just the underused ones?

Re: New Card Ability: Echo

PostPosted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 12:35 pm
by Shadowood
Grimrock Litless wrote:What voodoo would have the ability?
All duration voodoo or just the underused ones?

Grim he is asking for our feedback on which ones we would like and which ones we should avoid. Give him your list.

Re: New Card Ability: Echo

PostPosted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 12:50 pm
by Grimrock Litless
Shadowood wrote:
Grimrock Litless wrote:What voodoo would have the ability?
All duration voodoo or just the underused ones?

Grim he is asking for our feedback on which ones we would like and which ones we should avoid. Give him your list.

Common :
Emergency Call
Royal Fle...

Actually, just almost all the voodoo.

Re: New Card Ability: Echo

PostPosted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 1:19 pm
by Shadowood
I on the surface I think most cards should be included. It might be easiest to just discuss what enchantment cards should NOT be included and why.

Re: New Card Ability: Echo

PostPosted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 8:46 pm
by PFH
I think we should not add cards like swarm of worms, antagonize, blacklist, or Hostile natives. It would be very annoying.

I'd also like to add mind-bar to this. Yes, it would be very powerful, but very broken to have it gain echo.

Re: New Card Ability: Echo

PostPosted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 9:14 pm
by Shadowood
After looking through all enchantment cards I think all should be included except Black List.

Having said that, some won't be used with Echo imo like Swarm of Worms.

This is a turns saver however for those using trading enchantments such as Indian cards. This will make traders who use these happy i would suspect.

Pirates and privateers would use advanced Piracy for longer durations at a turn reduction.
