Guild development

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Guild development

Postby Maha » Wed Jun 07, 2017 10:46 am

yesterday a lively discussion about guild development was held.
it is a topic that i've been thinking on for some time.

I like guilds to be able to run banks etc.
Where I got stuck is the restrictions necessary to prevent all powerful guilds fighting individuals.
I believe I have found the right restrictions. Let me start with them before I propose what guilds should be able to do.
1 Guilds do not get turns automatically, nor can they buy turns. Guilds only can get turns when someone
self-sacrifices them to that guild. A guild has a turn cap of 100.
2 Guilds cannot own or get officers (captains, admirals, merchants)

Guild abilities:
Basically a guild is able to do what players can do, only limited by the restrictions above. This implies that a guild can build a hideout, buy, sell and use voodoo, build ships, buy ships and sell ships but it cannot use ships because of the officer limitation.
A guild cannot get ‘fame’ since it cannot use ships.
A guild can gain influence but cannot join nations since a guild cannot defeat enemy ships.
The guild can open warehouses in all ports. Guild members can transfer supplies to the guild warehouse within the same port. The guild can transfer supplies within the same port to members at the cost of 10 turns per transaction. This will help to develop the guild hideout structures.

Access to guild functions will be regulated by guild laws. Access can be given to specific guild members or to certain ranks. The access laws will be voted upon, all use of guild functions will be instantly and irrevocable. (e.g. a guild member with access to the guild credits can transfer them to himself anytime he wants)

Since the guilds basically function as players, they can be attacked with voodoo in the same way.

The 2 restrictions will imo prevent abuse of the guild functions towards third parties. It can throw voodoo on players but only in a limited way and at great cost of turns.
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Re: Guild development

Postby Marcellus Falcon » Wed Jun 07, 2017 11:00 am

That would be a huge update! But lots of potentials and offers new gameplay.

If guilds can't get fame, how about a "power" rating or similar? Derived from the guilds infrastructure worth, members (their influence and fame), guild coffers (GC/credits), the number of voodoo cards, the members fleet sizes etc... I think that would be great to implement in a ranking system to determine a guild's strength. What do you think?
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Re: Guild development

Postby Maha » Wed Jun 07, 2017 11:10 am

Marcellus wrote:That would be a huge update! But lots of potentials and offers new gameplay.

If guilds can't get fame, how about a "power" rating or similar? Derived from the guilds infrastructure worth, members (their influence and fame), guild coffers (GC/credits), the number of voodoo cards, the members fleet sizes etc... I think that would be great to implement in a ranking system to determine a guild's strength. What do you think?
there is already a guild ranking system based on the players fame. guilds have different purposes how to measure the succes of a trade guild against a pirate guild against a nation guild?

the development of nations and guilds is important for the game imo. i focus here on the guild development. i tried to keep it simple and functional :)
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Re: Guild development

Postby PFH » Wed Jun 07, 2017 1:05 pm

But we all know fame isn't as useful as it may appear. I believe strength doesn't come from fame itself, but from how the guild works together to solve problems and how they can work as a team. Fame, in my opinion, is only good for the tutorial mission and for politician speech for back-up gold. For the politician speech to be worth it, you would need a lot of fame, which takes a lot of time, resources, turns, and sometimes credits.

Having a unique guild influence count (like regular nation influence) will really show how strong a guild is or how loyal its members are. That's just my thoughts on it.
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Re: Guild development

Postby Mugiwara » Wed Jun 07, 2017 1:14 pm

i would like to see more in-debth guild gameplays. actually i think guilds should produce goods in avonmora. cj announced fertile lands will remove soon so instead of having production automatically, making port buildings to produce goods and control them as a guild will give nice aspect and gameplay. guilds can control specific products and prevent others to get them so it will cause more conflicts. just a few thoughts.

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Re: Guild development

Postby PFH » Wed Jun 07, 2017 1:19 pm

It could create an economic leverage and possibly decrease the worths of resources over time. for example: if you have 1 azure diamond, its worth a lot right? If you have 10million azure diamonds, then they are not worth as much. It could jeopardize the economy (possibly). It just depends on the set-up. I could see a fee for each resource created so that it keeps gold flow around, or a resource tax.

Aside from this, it could create increased demands which could get more money around. I do wish for guilds to be able to purchase certain amounts of stock from ports and their nations. with this, whoever buys the resource, the stockholder get a percent of it. For example: If I buy..lets say...500 crates of cotton in the stock trade. Each on sells for 6 gold at Prote (example) and it buys for 4 gold at Caspian. when the buyer orders cotton, the stockholder gets 2 gold for each one bought from the port. The price for buying the stock would be a fee of 60% of the profits you make from the stock.
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Re: Guild development

Postby Maha » Wed Jun 07, 2017 1:40 pm

Mugiwara wrote:i would like to see more in-debth guild gameplays. actually i think guilds should produce goods in avonmora. cj announced fertile lands will remove soon so instead of having production automatically, making port buildings to produce goods and control them as a guild will give nice aspect and gameplay. guilds can control specific products and prevent others to get them so it will cause more conflicts. just a few thoughts.


i hope that 'nobles' will be given that right. so that that role gets more developed.
nobles for producing
merchants for transporting and pirates to keep them on their toes :)

but that is another discussion. guilds are what they want to be and should not be burdened with tilling the soil.
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