A while back CJ had asked for some ideas on more small credit sinkers. (like turn storage, double turns)
I have a few ideas to discuss and would like feedback or your ideas as well. Perhaps we can find a few good solutions for the game.
Offensive / Defensive buffs
- Defensive Buff - 10 credits will get you 1.5 days of 20% stronger mindbar protection.
- Offensive Buff - 10 credits will get you 2.0 days of 20% piercing chance on all voodoo
Holiday/Vacation time has been talked about several times in the past. Some are for and some are against
- Holiday Buff - 250 Credits gets you 5 days
-- Can only be used 2 times per year
-- Can only be activated if all fleets have less then 3 danger (this is to avoid abuse)
-- Once activated all fleets will cease to move (no income while away from game)
-- Once activated no voodoo will be allowed on target
-- You man log in to chat with Guild, but if you activate any fleets, cast voodoo, access bank, etc... buff will terminate.
Open for discussion and I would love to hear your ideas as well.