by Captain Jack » Sun May 28, 2017 12:25 am
Mobile phones get better and better. Flexible/fold up/roll up screens are now closer to mass production. Playing PG on the phone is getting easier and better every year without us doing anything.
The stable problem is the one mentioned in the bugs topic; the instant messenger. That's something we want to improve.
Game wise now, the bandwidth needed to play PG is really low. Plus, you never need to update/download any app. It also does not take any valuable space in your mobile. All updates are instant!
What more can you ask really?
Needless to say that the interface is huge, real huge and it would require a lot of development to create a worthy app. Plus then, you would need to develop for both; which is extra dev time for a game that constantly evolves.
Finally, this is a strategic option we took years ago. For all the reasons above. We took this decision when tablets were not around and mobile screens were 3". So if we chose this then, then we are not going to change our mind now.