Diplomacy aeiou

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Diplomacy aeiou

Postby Grimrock Litless » Fri May 26, 2017 12:10 pm

One of the things I like a lot about most civ games is the diplomacy they have when talking to other country/nation.
So, diplomacy on those games works, why not here, tho the detail will have to get fine tuned.

Declare war
The war can follow the details CJ already made. A pros and cons of rivalry will start between them for the war duration. A country under vassalage to another country can start a war against their Overlord, during that time, any country that Guarantee Independence for your country will help with the war.

Offer a trade agreement
Allows the negotiation of a one-time deal. Gold, Info, pacts, cheaper resources(Wood, Iron, Cotton) for deal nation for 30 days. A 3 days vote on both nation will begin. If one disagrees, the deal is off. Cooldown of 7 days.

Form Defensive Pact
If either country is attacked, the other will be drawn into the war as defender. A 5 days vote on both nation will begin. If one disagrees, pact are not made. Cooldown of 8 days.

Form Non-Aggression Pact
Empires will not be able to declare war upon another for as long as the pact holds. A 5 days vote on both nation will begin. If one disagrees, pact are not made. Cooldown of 8 days.

Guarantee Independence
Unilateral version of Defense Pact. The proposing country will come to the target country's defense, if a country is a target of a vassalisation war. Instant

Close Borders
Borders are open by default unless closed explicitly. This is the option to do so. If any fleet of the other nation goes into your port, they gain +16 Hostility to your nation and +2% Damage to all the ships on the fleet. A 4 days vote on your nation will begin. After 2 days, the target nation will be warned of this.Limit of Close Borders is 5. No cooldown.

Declare Rivalry
Instantly gives +3000 hostility to the other country's players when this begin and if you join the country. Includes Closing the border towards Rival. Gains 50% more fame for each battle between the players of each country. Cannot be lifted for 30 days after declaration. Limit of Rivalries is 3. Instantly -2750 hostility to the other country's players if you leave the nation or rivalry is lifted. Instant, 50% fame bonus only applies after 3 days.
No cooldown.

Demand Vassalisation
Turns the country into a Vassal. 25% of their daily incomes goes to the Overlord. Can be forced via Warfare. Vassals are drawn into all Wars of their Overlord. If the target country disagrees, a war between them will start. A 8 days vote on the target nation will start. Cooldown of 10 days.

Offer Vassalisation
Allows a Empire to propose becoming a Vassal. A 8 days vote will start. Cooldown of 8 days.

Demand Tribute
Target country will pay 50% of its daily income to source country for 3 days. Source country will not be able to attack target, but is also not required to defend it for 30 days. A 5 day vote on the country will start. Cooldown of 10 days.

Offer Tribute
Proposes that the player country becomes a Tributary of the Target country. A 5 days vote on the target nation will start. Cooldown of 10 days.

Form Federation
Forms a new Federation with the Target country. Can't attack each other, similar to that of guildmates to guildmates, can't cast on each other. A 3 Days vote between each other will start. If one disagrees, the federation is not formed. A Defensive Pact is formed between them. Max of 4 country in a Federation.
Creates a new Federation that can be edited at the bottom of the court page. Only kings/queens of the countries can edit the name and the description of the Federation.

Ask to join Federation
Requests to join an already existing Federation. Max of 4 country in a Federation. Cooldown of 8 days.

To be able to do diplomacy, both nation must at least have 2 owned ports. Except for,
Guarantee Independence
Demand Vassalisation
Offer Vassalisation
Demand Tribute
Offer Tribute
Which needs both country to at least have one owned port.
If a country suddenly have no more ports but the deals are still active, they have a 15 days delay before the deals are destroyed automatically.
In Tribute, all the nation treasury will go to the source country in 15 days.
Last edited by Grimrock Litless on Sun May 28, 2017 6:09 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Diplomacy aeiou

Postby Meliva » Fri May 26, 2017 12:23 pm

I definitely can not wait for more nation diplomacy to be implemented, and some of these ideas sound good. I would also suggest being able to offer your nation to become a vassal. So lets say a small portless nation wants some port benefits, so they offer to be a vassal for lets say the USA. They get some bonuses and the US gets a vassal.

The only thing I am somewhat worried about is if diplomacy becomes the go-to option and essentially erases nation warfare. Which while peaceful, would be somewhat boring.
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Re: Diplomacy aeiou

Postby Maha » Fri May 26, 2017 12:51 pm

i like to develop nation and noble part of the game. good effort.
however, the nation in avonmora is too underdeveloped to allow what you propose. the members in the nation, the ranking system etc allow for rogue elements to ignore and disrupt treaties.

CJ has repeatedly stated that he does not want a limited nation set up. it does not matter how we feel about that, we have to live with it. this given counters many of the suggestions since eg. close borders and trade agreements. Grenada gets a close border warning. the leadership decides that's cheaper to change nation and becomes overnight Malawi. trade restrictions implies trade advantages for port owning countries, rather than fight for port control players will just join the port owning nation.
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Re: Diplomacy aeiou

Postby Shadowood » Fri May 26, 2017 12:57 pm

Did someone hack Grims account and type out a readable suggestion that makes some sense?

Nicely done Grim.

Diplomacy is not my forte so I will let others speak here as to if any of this is good or not.
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Re: Diplomacy aeiou

Postby Meliva » Fri May 26, 2017 12:58 pm

I think having trade advantages would be good, but trade disadvantaged would also have a purpose. Especially if a nation manages to gain a monopoly on a resource, and even more so for a vital one. Imagine if a nation controls all 3 wood ports, which is vital for ship and hideout building. Piss off that nation and BAM, they make it more difficult to trade wood, which would really damage growth. This would also make monopoly something worth pursuing, aswell as something many would want to prevent.
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Re: Diplomacy aeiou

Postby Maha » Fri May 26, 2017 1:15 pm

Meliva wrote:I think having trade advantages would be good, but trade disadvantaged would also have a purpose. Especially if a nation manages to gain a monopoly on a resource, and even more so for a vital one. Imagine if a nation controls all 3 wood ports, which is vital for ship and hideout building. Piss off that nation and BAM, they make it more difficult to trade wood, which would really damage growth. This would also make monopoly something worth pursuing, as well as something many would want to prevent.
for this to happen nations should somehow be able to prevent unwanted elements to join, stay or gain rank.

shadowood changes nation more often than diapers. we're not all like him, but as long as it is as simple as that to change nations (and gain rank in them) any attempt to develop the nation is almost doomed. a restriction to change nation once a month would be of help in nation development.
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Re: Diplomacy aeiou

Postby Prostor » Fri May 26, 2017 1:43 pm

Last edited by Prostor on Wed May 31, 2017 6:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Diplomacy aeiou

Postby Shadowood » Fri May 26, 2017 1:44 pm

Maha wrote:
shadowood changes nation more often than diapers.


Just checking out the world sir. Visiting nations I have never seen before. I will visit them all and leave me mark.
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Re: Diplomacy aeiou

Postby Charles Vane » Fri May 26, 2017 1:59 pm

Shadowood wrote:
Maha wrote:
shadowood changes nation more often than diapers.


Just checking out the world sir. Visiting nations I have never seen before. I will visit them all and leave me mark.

Aye... you should see the skid mark left for pirates... :x

Hopefully the rest of the nations are more fortunate :$

Back on topic though, a good idea. I'm no national but I do think the forcing vassals and tribute would be a killer for new nations trying to develop. 50% of their income? god luck ever catching a top nation no matter how hard you try.
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Re: Diplomacy aeiou

Postby DezNutz » Fri May 26, 2017 2:06 pm

Grimrock Litless wrote:To be able to do diplomacy, both nation must at lease have 2 owned ports. Except for,
Guarantee Independence
Demand Vassalisation
Offer Vassalisation
Demand Tribute
Offer Tribute
Which needs both country to at lease have one owned port.
If a country suddenly have no more ports but the deals are still active, they have a 15 days delay before the deals are destroyed automatically.
In Tribute, all the nation treasury will go to the source country in 15 days.


First, it is vassalage not vassalisation.

A nation that does not have a port can be a vassal of a nation that does.

A nation does not need to own a port to be in an "alliance" or pact with another nation.
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