Shipwright Management

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Shipwright Management

Postby Shadowood » Mon May 23, 2016 4:54 pm

I would like to purpose the idea of adding a Turns reduction to the research "Shipwright Management"
This would be more an incentive to push for a high lvl investment in this research.

After lvl 12 you start to gain a Turns cost reduction.
Lvl 13 you get 5% less the cost in Turns or 1 Turn, which ever is greater
and progress to 20 at an increase of 1% or 1 Turn per lvl
Lvl 20 you get 12% less the cost in Turns or 8 turns, which ever is greater
A ship will never be free of turns. Minimum is 1 turn (howker/cutter)

At lvl 20 it would cost 1 turn build a Howker or Cutter, but it would still cost 128 turn to build a SoTL.
A LMM at lvl 20 would still cost 17 turns.

I would love feedback on this. I think its a good incentive for this research at a high lvl.
Last edited by Shadowood on Tue Aug 09, 2016 3:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Shipwright Management

Postby Bigtea47 » Mon May 23, 2016 8:23 pm

I don't think it's a bad idea. But anything in the game shouldn't be turn free. It could be easily abused with the whole no captain needed to own ships.. People would be able to build thousands of howkers in matter of days.
I'd also increase the reduction % from 12 to maybe 30-40%? But get rid of the -1 turn per lvl
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Re: Shipwright Management

Postby Sebena » Mon May 23, 2016 11:38 pm

From my point of view as a shipwright on the black market I could agree with this one but also I agree that ships shouldn't be buildable without turns so maybe make it that on lvl 20 howker and cutter are buildable for 1 turn so just raise limit for turn reduction to take effect. Not many veteran players would take howker or cutter in big numbers because of need captains for ship to become part of the fleet and neither of them are hot merchandise on ship market
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Re: Shipwright Management

Postby Shadowood » Tue May 24, 2016 1:35 am

Wolfie wrote:From my point of view as a shipwright on the black market I could agree with this one but also I agree that ships shouldn't be buildable without turns so maybe make it that on lvl 20 howker and cutter are buildable for 1 turn so just raise limit for turn reduction to take effect. Not many veteran players would take howker or cutter in big numbers because of need captains for ship to become part of the fleet and neither of them are hot merchandise on ship market

Exactly. The main ships of interest are still going to cost considerable amounts of turns. But this is just a way to reward such a large investment in this research.
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Re: Shipwright Management

Postby John jacob astor » Tue May 24, 2016 2:03 am

i think it sounds like a valid idea, but in my opinion, we should wait a while and see what the preliminary effects of researching is for a while. there was obviously a great deal of thought put into this addition so I think we need to wait and see how things go before we try and add/remove features to it
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Re: Shipwright Management

Postby Bmw » Tue May 24, 2016 2:31 am

John jacob astor wrote:i think it sounds like a valid idea, but in my opinion, we should wait a while and see what the preliminary effects of researching is for a while. there was obviously a great deal of thought put into this addition so I think we need to wait and see how things go before we try and add/remove features to it

i think we need to refrain from making any advancements in this sector until we are comfortable with the current ones
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Re: Shipwright Management

Postby Shadowood » Tue Aug 09, 2016 3:13 pm


would like to bring this subject up again as it was mentioned (kinda) in another post. I think this pretty fair.
the original post was edited to not allow a turn free build of howkers and cutters
After someone invests close to $100 million, I doubt they will be building howkers and cutters for 1 turn each anyway. As a "Shipwright" they will be focused on more profitable ships.
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Re: Shipwright Management

Postby Dejanira » Wed Aug 10, 2016 8:25 am

It sounds realistic that if you already built several ships, your carpenters become faster. But I would suggest the max discount could be even less than your proposal, like 10% (which would mean saving 14 turns for a SotL, 11 for a Large Frigate, etc.)
Could be 0,5% per level of "Shipwright Management". This could make this tech more appealing, coz as it is now it doesn't seems to be really worth the candle :) (unless one would plan to build a really huge number of ships)
Last edited by Dejanira on Wed Aug 10, 2016 9:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shipwright Management

Postby Haron » Wed Aug 10, 2016 8:35 am

0,5% pr. level of "Shipwright Management" seems nice. Rounded down. This gives a maximum of 10% turn reduction. It would give no benefit for cutters and howkers, but remove two turns for LMM building. If it's any higher, like 1% pr. level, the price of the technology needs to increase a lot, but if it is, I think it would be fine. 20% reduction would mean 5 turns less for an LMM (and one turn for cutters/howkers, two turns for sloops). Turns are valuable. Buying turns costs 10 credits for 100 turns, and I don't think that's a bad deal. So an estimate of 10k gc pr turn spent - I know I often get more than that out of my turns. So a reduction of 5 turns to build an LMM would be a lot for those building many ships.
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Re: Shipwright Management

Postby Sebena » Wed Aug 10, 2016 8:42 am

It depends, for example this tech is awesome for me little too long for research but still I really love it...
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