Hi all,
It is among our plans to created in-game scripted diplomacy. A feature where you will be able to create alliances,declare war etc on other guilds. However, due to more pressing issues, the development of this feature will not take place now.
Till the diplomact script is implemented, feel free to still conduct diplomacy with other guilds. At the end, it won't have much difference if done "right". Here are some suggestions on how you can do it nicely:
A)Proposed type of pacts:
Alliance - You have an alliance with target guild, you share same enemies and you do not hit each other.
Non Aggression Pact (NAP) - You do not attack each other.
Peace - Common rules apply.
War - Both guilds do what best to eliminate opponent.
B)How to conduct them
Such decisions should start from the Guildmaster. A trusted guild member could also become the diplomat to handle all diplomacy related issues (especially needed if guildmaster does not have enough time/uninterested in diplomacy).
In this case, you can write it in your guild description (ie Guild diplomat is xxxxx(#yyy) )
C)How to publish them
Once a treaty is made, it would be good to let your members and other know of it.
-Use game forums. There is a whole thread there. Put your public embassy there too.
-Publish your pacts on your guild description
-Use guild announcements to let your members know
-Have your members update their descriptions with current pacts
Hope this helps to get you started
PS: All in-game diplomacy links will be removed till the feature is ready to avoid confusion.