wondering if we can add this or what people though of this idea...
In regards to alliance guild makes with each other, there should be a page that leaders can access
that has info like if voodoo card is usable with the other guild, or if they have a attack limit with each other so in case like 3 attacks each
you click on that you send it to the other guild leader and they will send another one to the second leader if they find it acceptable they will approve it to make it IN EFFECT, and the only way to cancel a alliance is either by both leader canceling the alliance and within 48 hours if the other leader does not cancel the alliance will be void and a notice will be sent once the cancellation of the alliance is confirm or we put up a renewal alliance for a certain amount of time,
what do you all think of this idea?
i feel this would make it more easier for leaders to handle so no members of any alliance will break the alliance clause of voodooing each other or over attacking each other...