Diplomacy: Nation change barrier

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Re: Diplomacy: Nation change barrier

Postby ChaIbaud » Tue May 31, 2016 8:04 pm

I agree that there should be a harder way to make it to duke and higher (such as a time limit, not by making the mission itself harder. god forbid i cant complete it as is!). Duke is the rank that starts mattering: you can view the treasury and are now apart of the 'council.' I don't see a problem with going to Nigeria, for example, because I would still be using my time, ships, gold, and voodoo to make it there.
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Re: Diplomacy: Nation change barrier

Postby Ziggfried » Tue May 31, 2016 8:16 pm

Chaulbad wrote:I agree that there should be a harder way to make it to duke and higher (such as a time limit, not by making the mission itself harder. god forbid i cant complete it as is!). Duke is the rank that starts mattering: you can view the treasury and are now apart of the 'council.' I don't see a problem with going to Nigeria, for example, because I would still be using my time, ships, gold, and voodoo to make it there.

Council Members (Auto assigned, once per 24hours)
1.King - Most Influential character in a nation
2.Governor - One person assigned per port controlled. The more influence rank one has, the bigger port in terms of population, he gets (if there are more than 1). Must have been at least a Duke in previous update.
3.Duke - Maximum 10 per update. Must have been at least a Marquess in last update

There is no mission for duke and higher it's solely based on influences.
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Re: Diplomacy: Nation change barrier

Postby ChaIbaud » Tue May 31, 2016 8:32 pm

I meant the missions* to get to Marquess which is the last military-earned rank. I'm on the mission to become a Marquess and at update, due to the lack of Dukes in Spain, council.
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Re: Diplomacy: Nation change barrier

Postby Haron » Fri Jun 03, 2016 3:57 pm

Ziggfried: I guess whether or not a nation change barrier of some sort will improve the game in its current state, is a matter of taste. Some would like it to be harder to change nations, to increase the cost of certain types of schemes, while others, like you, prefer that such schemes remains as easy as it is today. I personally think it would be a good idea with such barriers even now, but my reason for suggesting such barriers is that I believe they are a necessary requirement for things like wars and blockades. If there are to be advanced forms of conflict and diplomacy between nations, it is necessary that changing nations both takes time and carries a cost, to make people feel that they "belong" to a nation, and won't leave it as soon as it's attacked by another nation.
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Re: Diplomacy: Nation change barrier

Postby Bmw » Fri Jun 03, 2016 7:00 pm

Haron wrote:Ziggfried: I guess whether or not a nation change barrier of some sort will improve the game in its current state, is a matter of taste. Some would like it to be harder to change nations, to increase the cost of certain types of schemes, while others, like you, prefer that such schemes remains as easy as it is today. I personally think it would be a good idea with such barriers even now, but my reason for suggesting such barriers is that I believe they are a necessary requirement for things like wars and blockades. If there are to be advanced forms of conflict and diplomacy between nations, it is necessary that changing nations both takes time and carries a cost, to make people feel that they "belong" to a nation, and won't leave it as soon as it's attacked by another nation.

something they could add are elected barriers where they are voted on by the nation and last for 30 days or so but will block anyone wanting to join that nation that has been in the blocked nation since a few days before the barrier started
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Re: Diplomacy: Nation change barrier

Postby not a pirate » Fri Jun 03, 2016 7:20 pm

Stan rogers wrote:I would just like to add that when a new player starts, they have no idea of the political climate and national tug-of-wars that erupt from time to time.
Consequently, they join using their real home flag and then may want to change when they get a better handle on how nation/guild issues work.

It would be wrong to penalize them by making a nation change difficult for their first real informed choice.
Maybe the first 1 or 2 could be free or, if a person has over X total influence, then they have restrictions imposed at that time ?

+1 to this idea and +1 to thread
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Re: Diplomacy: Nation change barrier

Postby Haron » Fri Jun 03, 2016 7:24 pm

BMW: Isn't that quite close to what I suggested?
Ferdinand: I think Stan's comment was a good one, too. I tried to incorporate it into my updated proposal.
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Re: Diplomacy: Nation change barrier

Postby Bmw » Fri Jun 03, 2016 7:26 pm

Haron wrote:BMW: Isn't that quite close to what I suggested?
Ferdinand: I think Stan's comment was a good one, too. I tried to incorporate it into my updated proposal.

i restated it as easier to read
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Re: Diplomacy: Nation change barrier

Postby Haron » Mon Jun 27, 2016 7:10 am

I think this thread is again relevant. The main reason for suggesting this, was that I saw it as a necessity for my other suggestion: "Wars and Blockades", but as stated, there certainly are other reasons for this, too.
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Re: Diplomacy: Nation change barrier

Postby DezNutz » Mon Jun 27, 2016 2:05 pm

I think the best way to combat this is to prevent someone from being on the nation council (Duke or Governor) until they have been with the nation for x days (maybe 30). To be king, one must be a nation member for y days more than the requirement for duke/governor. So x + y. (30 + 15 = 45 days as nation member to be king)
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