by Sir Henry Morgan » Wed Mar 07, 2018 2:21 am
It will be difficult to find a means to control the witch doctor strategy without affecting more general strategies of raider or trader. We have talked rituals, launching from ships, ratio to turns, etc. Honestly, I really don't have an answer. I have seen many variations of the witch doctor strategy (I've used it myself to at least reduce losses in war). Now,some have taken it to its limits. It has been shown that the witch doctor play can be an enterprise of its own, be it for mercenary work, or getting paid to put beneficial curses on the purchaser. It is a viable strategy, both good and bad. The strategy is also very simple and easy to maintain. No worries of losing things when you are off line, etc.
The issue has been to address the risk (or lack of) that involves working with no ships to which a retaliation is possible.when a witch doctor with no ships becomes an aggressor.
Perhaps we have thought about this from the wrong direction. If one decides to play a naval based game without ships, it should have a bit more challenge. Perhaps there is a way to restrict someone without ships to make the strategy doable, but a bit more of a challenge to maintain over a long period of time, or in the heat of battle.
Could it be possible, if one has no ships, that access to various features we use could be displayed? No ships, well, then, you have restricted yourself of transportation, the ability to trade ports, and the ability to plunder/skirmish ships. What could be the consequences of this? I would think first, you cannot see what is happening any any ports, except the one you are in. If you switch ports, you have to pay passage on another ship. Say the only screens you can access are your guild pages and say the market pages - or perhaps you only have access to your home port/hideout pages.
This is negated easily by the ability to get one ship and go on.
So... what if you have no ships, and say someone throws a curse on you - as long as you are cursed, you cannot build, buy or receive a ship, whether the curse is hostile or not. As long as you are cursed, the ship builders aren't going to work for you or sell you a ship.
Banking, well, you are stuck in one port, so you might have to do business with a bank that flies the same flag as the home/hideout port.
As I have said, I do not have the answer. I am simply trying to move the discussion into another perspective.
I sense that there may not be "one patch" to fix it, but many small ones that make it a bit bothersome, while doable, to use the witch doctor strategy.