Inside developer's mind

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Re: Inside developer's mind

Postby Maha » Thu May 04, 2017 3:02 pm

PhoenixKnight wrote:
Shadowood wrote:If the accounts connect Maha then credits bought should be shared. That's the only resource however.

1 person who buys credits shouldn't have to buy twice imo. I see the small grey area however in that I could convert my 1 billion in coin to credits on the CDX

I say if current players go to the new world it should be expedition mode. Choose up to 5 fleets and load them with resources.

you mean that a new world is only accessible through the old world?
i can imagine a scenario where 100-200 players built together an expedition force. each has five fleets loaded with useful cargo. each player also can designate specific officers as crew members, thus in the new world he can eg. split fleets or plunder ships because he brought extra captains and admirals or he can start trading because he brought merchants.

they will arrive at a new place that has 21 spots for ports, but without the ports yet. to find the locations, a fleet has to sail to a grid number (grid 100x100). some grid numbers will be ocean, others central mainland and cannot be reached, but the blocking coastline will be revealed. map info can be shared and traded.
who finds a port location can name the port name suggestion (for admin to concur to prevent obscenities etc) and build a warehouse. that player can also decide on the kind of product the port will bring. (first come first choice, the finder of port 21 has no choice anymore)

Ships (based material used can be transferred into buildings like a governors palace, a shipwright or general warehouse. (and maybe, mines, toolshops or tobacco plantages). port build up (by TI or goldcoins) can be allocated to level up those buildings.

for the first 100 days npc fleets can be skirmished to obtain the actual products or plundered to get more ships.
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Re: Inside developer's mind

Postby Charles Vane » Thu May 04, 2017 3:09 pm

Something like that might be viable. An expansion of sorts. After reaching a certain point in this map you could start your expedition and move on. If this was to work i'd like to see certain resources unavailable there as they are here and perhaps new ones there that we can not get here. Would require interaction between the two.

A voyage back and fourth could take 24 hours.
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Re: Inside developer's mind

Postby Shadowood » Thu May 04, 2017 3:19 pm

I have to much time invested in this world, that if I had to choose between starting new or staying, I would stay. I think a lot of vets would.

But again, if I could play on both worlds, I 100% would.

You guys should check out how the developers have their other game set up. When you first start you have your choice of 4 different play styles. I forgot what they are now, and I don't know if it is set up to where you can make 4 accounts and play all 4. The game didn't hold my interest very long.

Zorg Empire is the title

At the bottom of your Pirates Glory page, click the Copy Right link and it will take you to a link page to that game and others.
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Re: Inside developer's mind

Postby Shadowood » Thu May 04, 2017 3:23 pm

Actually looks like the developers have spent some time in upgrading this game. The design is all new and now there is 5 play modes.


They adjust the speed of the game along with other variables...

Captain Jack! Is this how you see the possible new expansion in Pirate Glory being??
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Re: Inside developer's mind

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Thu May 04, 2017 3:33 pm

I would love another world to play in : I dont mind if there are different maps, names, speed or whatever : Mainly, I'd like to try out some ideas for different play-styles without having to 'waste' my current set-up which, for all its faults, has taken considerable effort and time to get to.

I'd favor a 'Pirate World' with limited fleet numbers (to stymie trade empires) and more emphasis on battle and plunder : much higher risk ratios and lower trade incomes would be fun for an alternative smash and grab play-style...
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Re: Inside developer's mind

Postby Maha » Thu May 04, 2017 3:34 pm

Charles Vane wrote:Something like that might be viable. An expansion of sorts. After reaching a certain point in this map you could start your expedition and move on. If this was to work i'd like to see certain resources unavailable there as they are here and perhaps new ones there that we can not get here. Would require interaction between the two.

A voyage back and fourth could take 24 hours.

new resources would have a huge impact on the present world if they become needed there as well. i can see an incubation time where the new world is only available to the expedition force and that after that period a long and dangerous travel (sink chance depending on baseprice ships, howkers 100% sink chance, mow 10%) this to give the new world a partly closed system where players can try different styles from the old world. it could be an option to have a complete new set of 'oriental'ships that the shipwrights produce. ships from one world cannot be upgraded in the other world and repairing a the imported ship costs 3 times as much. etc.

the new ports could produce 'stone' needed for port buildings or 'opium' to sell in all ports to addicts (thus lowering the workforce and corrupting crew members while transporting it) or 'medallions' which give captains, merchants or admirals certain advances. or 'spices' or 'tropic fruits' etc.

this will only work when all players, old and new, have access to the new world. the expedition force should stand to gain from it as they opened the way. maps of the new world will be the ticket to gain entrance. each player in the expedition force will get a share of those sails according to the number of shoreline grids and ports he discovered. (say a map costs 25 mil gc, 20 mil goes to admin, the rest is shared among the expedition force. this way those players see a ROI on their initial investment.
a place in the expedition force should be gotten on a special auction.
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Re: Inside developer's mind

Postby sXs » Thu May 04, 2017 4:18 pm

Personally, I don't think anything should be carried from one to the next. The only thing you can bring with is experience. If you allow credits to transfer from one to the other you are instantly giving advantage. The biggest draw to new servers in any game is everyone starts back at 0. Equal except experience and knowledge.

I personally would love the opportunity to start from scratch and try a different path, but I do see issues with this. gameplay will suffer on this server. You may not think that is the case, but starting new requires some specific time commitments. That will be time taken away from players here. I have seen it many times on other games. Old servers eventually die when new ones open.
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Re: Inside developer's mind

Postby Bmw » Thu May 04, 2017 4:39 pm

I will say my disdain about having one server with a way to get to the second server through ships or other things.

IF a second server opens up it shouldn't be connected to the current server in anyway (except maybe credits.)

I think that if a second server were to open up you could play them separately where your name, your number, and your photo is different unless you choose to keep the same name and photo.

I do think that the server should be different in other ways also like I said earlier maybe set it in a different time. One thing that would work pretty well in my mind out be to place the time that the server is set in. My guess on when it should be sent is maybe after the Industrial revolution or during it where there is a larger demand. Maybe even add resources like coal where certain types of ships that are faster and or larger than the current one's run off of. You could add buildings to the hideout or to the port named Steel smeltry of which Steel is needed to upgrade ships beyond lvl 5. Maybe that steel could also be used to build some really expensive high combat ability ships. Who knows you might be able to add tech that is researched in a port academy and as you unlock better and better tech you can build stronger and more expensive ships. Who knows maybe even add in battle ships (super high combat ability ships made from tons upon tons of steel. Maybe even make some of the extremely expensive ships able to carry gold coins around in a hold so that when there fleet is attacked and you've run out of gold on hand it uses the gold in in hold to cover the cost of the plundering. You could make it so that when it gets down to that ability you could get plundered for around 2.5mill (if a battle ship was your tail) but lets say you have 1 mill on hand first it will just leave your on hand gold intact but you lose 5 mill from the ships hold. The attacker gains double what the original plunder amount would be. Worst case this message isnt read so if you see this feel free to comment on it and maybe help work out some farther details if you think this would be a good idea.

One thing that I thought about credits is make them transferable but only the one's that you have bought irl that you still own.
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Re: Inside developer's mind

Postby DezNutz » Thu May 04, 2017 5:30 pm

If a second server is developed.....
No resource included credits should be transferable between servers. They would need to change how credits are purchased. I would think simply they would buy the credits and then the player could assign the credits or any number of credits to the server of their choosing. Once credits are assigned, they are applied to that server. Players wouldn't have to assign all credits either. They can buy the credits, which would be stored on their account, and apply the credits where and when they needed them. In the event a server "dies" and is ultimately closed, any credits that were assigned to the server would re-apply to the main account and could be sent elsewhere.

That being said, I have no official stance on a second server. There is quite a bit to consider.
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Re: Inside developer's mind

Postby Admiral Nelson » Thu May 04, 2017 5:55 pm

First of all, I believe its a good idea to look at the current server. (Not meant in a rude way)

I feel there is not enough action in the current server, if we split them up surely there will be even less action?

Do we, as a part of the game feel its needed.
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