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Re: Loans

Postby Edward_Teach » Thu May 30, 2013 1:31 am

Doomiris wrote:hissss hostility = bad

May be bad but it is realistic, how about 200 hostility
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Re: Loans

Postby Rolando » Thu May 30, 2013 9:34 am

Pirates (men with no Nation) should have to pay greater interest because they are greater risks. Those who fight often as well should face higher interest rates. Those who issue loans should be limited or the market will be flooded with gold, there will need to be a base market rate for interest just as there is for resources, banks and mints should be limited as well. Those who invest the most should be on a leadership council of some sort that makes a percentage of total return on their investment. I'm too new to be part of it in a major way, but it should be interesting to watch the system develop.
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