Forthcoming Updates discussion

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Re: Forthcoming Updates discussion

Postby Shadowood » Wed Aug 30, 2017 9:14 pm


Welcome back CJ!
I don't fear death. I look forward to it with great anticipation. For then I will met God face to face and let him know that I stole his Man of War!!!
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Re: Forthcoming Updates discussion

Postby Captain Jack » Sun Sep 03, 2017 6:44 pm

Thank you. My absence was not really long but I just now managed to hit the forums. I am still a few dozens of topics behind but I will catch up.

Meanwhile, gear up your wishes for the forthcoming implementations. We want to keep you happy and to do this, we need to know your wishes.
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Re: Forthcoming Updates discussion

Postby Charles Vane » Sun Sep 03, 2017 6:54 pm

*Flagship* ;)
"Not all treasure is silver and gold mate."
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Re: Forthcoming Updates discussion

Postby Admiral Nelson » Sun Sep 03, 2017 6:55 pm

I feel, reading the punishments if caught 'cheating' or 'breaking the rules' , we need an updated version of punishments... And specific ones for each class. (Pirate/Merchant etc)...

However, I also feel the flagship has been wanted for a long while and should be put forward.
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Re: Forthcoming Updates discussion

Postby DezNutz » Sun Sep 03, 2017 7:13 pm

Flagship and Nation Diplomacy.
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Re: Forthcoming Updates discussion

Postby Jeanne de Clisson » Sun Sep 03, 2017 11:01 pm

Probably not mentioned before but I believe that, at some point, the Card Market would be improved if the number of outstanding cards, by type, currently in circulation were disclosed. This would be most informative & have a bearing on the prospective value for the sale or purchase of said cards, by type.
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Re: Forthcoming Updates discussion

Postby William one eye » Sun Sep 03, 2017 11:25 pm

Jeanne de Clisson wrote:Probably not mentioned before but I believe that, at some point, the Card Market would be improved if the number of outstanding cards, by type, currently in circulation were disclosed. This would be most informative & have a bearing on the prospective value for the sale or purchase of said cards, by type.

In my opinion this proposal present a question that I have been curious about for quiet some time.

Are card packs and gift cards based upon a finite number of cards possible for circulation.

Basicallly are we dealing with a recirculating deck, that is replenished by casting or are cast cards just gone and new cards generated at random by percentage.

Now obviously as the game grows the deck must grow, and cards would need to be added as card demand grew, but what happens to cast cards.

If cast cards are recirculated your request would have even more value to the card invester again, in my opinion
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Re: Forthcoming Updates discussion

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Mon Sep 04, 2017 12:05 am

The number of cards must be infinite : cards gained from presents/daily log-in are randomly generated : there is an equal chance of any one of the 91 ( or thereabouts)card being gained. cards generated by buying voodoo packs vary slightly : you have an equal chance of getting any card within the category : so 1 random rare, 4 random uncommon, 10 random common : thats why you can sometimes end up with 2 or more of a particular common or uncommon card : statistically, randomly choosing 10 times from a possible 30 choices is quite likely to turn up duplicate choices.
The total number of cards put in circulation is governed by these factors : number of players logging in to claim their daily present/s, number of present swaps occurring, number of wife gifts claimed and, of course, number of voodoo packs purchased. How many stay in circulation is also governed by factors : the number cast and number held by inactive accounts, both of which effectively remove a card from future use. I'll discount the effect of magpies as thats just swapping one card for another.
As the way cards are generated is a fixed formula, then the number cast, or not cast, cant really affect the number of any one card being generated. The number held in inactives accounts cant affect matters either, save to act as a drag on market supply.
-1 : Move to archive.
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Re: Forthcoming Updates discussion

Postby William one eye » Mon Sep 04, 2017 2:20 pm

Thanks Danik,
I have been playing based on how you describe it functioning, however I was curious as to if cast cards went back and had an effect on gift cards and card pack generation percentage. Obviously this would affect best purchase time for cards you were seeking by watching actions of others. Sounds like it does not, so lets move on.

Re the suggestion

Considering there are large inactive accounts that hold massive numbers of cards, that may or may not become active again at any point, the circulation stats you are seeking, may not be all that useful.

A cast vs generated vs held stat, would be interesting, however may serve as a global indicator more than a useful trading tool, as there is no way to fuctionally deal with large chests in low activity accounts in my opinion.
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Re: Forthcoming Updates discussion

Postby Captain Jack » Tue Sep 19, 2017 3:40 pm

I have created the typically required topic for the Nation Diplomacy, which is currently under development.

You can find it here.

As for some details, we want to keep 1.9 as short as possible. Our real target is to jump into version 2.0 as soon as possible.
Version 2.0 will bring Plantations and a ton of other required improvements/features. Still, it needs to be as short lived as possible as there are numerous other major features waiting in line.

At this time of the year, we feel the urge to haste things up. The reason is that it is a long time since we sent a mass email (since Feb 2016, at the dawn of 1.7) to everyone who ever signed up to this game. These are in total 110k people. Other games do this pretty frequently but we got a different approach. What we want to do is to first create some meaningful content for someone who retired and then inform him.

The presence of Plantations should be enough to get some people back. A lot of other things have been added to the game already in 1.7 and 1.8 so there will be other things for them to try out. Ultimately, the current playerbase needs such outbursts of new content and we plan to make some huge leaps forward in the forthcoming time.

There are gameplay features such as Ship Specialization (Flagship included) and Port Buildings that deserve to be forwarded quickly as they already have elements that can be built.

There are informational features, such as daily Avonmora Herald and Players Awards system that could be implemented instead.

There is always the need to further improve PvP and the game skin.

All in all, the more we can work in this early season, the best for all.
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