Inside developer's mind

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Re: Inside developer's mind

Postby Shadowood » Thu May 04, 2017 1:36 pm

If the accounts connect Maha then credits bought should be shared. That's the only resource however.

1 person who buys credits shouldn't have to buy twice imo. I see the small grey area however in that I could convert my 1 billion in coin to credits on the CDX
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Re: Inside developer's mind

Postby Charles Vane » Thu May 04, 2017 1:41 pm

Credits would need to be interchangeable in my opinion. Even if one did convert to credits and carry over, there would not be millions of gold generated in the new world at that point so using those credits for gold there would be near impossible or gold would become very expensive and credits over priced.

This would also allow everyone else to sell uneeded voodoo which would make getting credits possible for those who do not spend money.

I still am unsure if I like the idea of a new world..
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Re: Inside developer's mind

Postby Maha » Thu May 04, 2017 1:55 pm

Shadowood wrote:If the accounts connect Maha then credits bought should be shared. That's the only resource however.

the crossover story is just that, a story, i believe that the worlds should be kept separated (apart from the three fleets)

1 person who buys credits shouldn't have to buy twice imo. I see the small grey area however in that I could convert my 1 billion in coin to credits on the CDX
that does not have to be so; credits could belong in a world. so only when you're in a world you can buy credits. this does not have to be a disadvantage. buy one time in one the other time in the other world. the danger is that one world becomes the credit generator for the other. that would be a form of milking.

Charles, see a bit further down the line. within a year the new world will be developed. even when a credit cost only 10kgc there is profit to be made. build ships and you make more credits than in the first world. that would influence both worlds and they would merge in some way.
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Re: Inside developer's mind

Postby Sanji » Thu May 04, 2017 1:58 pm

i agree with mugi and malvia..
This game keeps no discrimination Between people who spend money and those who don't....everyone has a equal opportunity

plus i think adding second world will not be a wise option as it, it would create a split with in players ,and also starting all over again is bit annoying...i suggest expanding the current map to add more ports and more features for war and pirates
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Re: Inside developer's mind

Postby Charles Vane » Thu May 04, 2017 2:05 pm

Based on the premise credits "may" not be transferable I have decided to disagree with a new world without further thought.

I've spent years and worked hard here. I would be one of the ones who stayed in this world and in most games new players join the newest or smallest world as the mind set is "i'll have a better chance at winning". This would kill the growth of the current world, it would eventually fade, and because credits can't be transferred I essentially need to throw away 4+ years of work?

No thanks...
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Re: Inside developer's mind

Postby Bmw » Thu May 04, 2017 2:14 pm

one thing that could happen is that the credits are transferable between servers with a small cost but maybe have the credits on the new server have a different rate of exchange maybe 100 credits there to 1 credit on the current server.
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Re: Inside developer's mind

Postby Mugiwara » Thu May 04, 2017 2:16 pm

new players will join always new server. its simple logic. thats why in time avonmora will die without fresh blood(if other world will have different settings and playstyle just maybe it help to keep avonmora healthy).
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Re: Inside developer's mind

Postby Charles Vane » Thu May 04, 2017 2:23 pm

I don't think it will die. I don't have the numbers but CJ has said we've hit our highest point. Ever since I have been here I have watched it steadily grow.
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Re: Inside developer's mind

Postby Mugiwara » Thu May 04, 2017 2:30 pm

at present game progressing really well. im just saying with new world new players will choose new world. and without new players current world will have tough times. think like real world. people born and die. what will happen if people will born in another world and only die in here?
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Re: Inside developer's mind

Postby PhoenixKnight » Thu May 04, 2017 2:30 pm

Shadowood wrote:If the accounts connect Maha then credits bought should be shared. That's the only resource however.

1 person who buys credits shouldn't have to buy twice imo. I see the small grey area however in that I could convert my 1 billion in coin to credits on the CDX

I say if current players go to the new world it should be expedition mode. Choose up to 5 fleets and load them with resources.
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