Dev Team - Flagships

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Dev Team - Flagships

Postby Hawk » Mon Feb 11, 2019 9:58 pm

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Here is the first approved suggestion worked by the Dev team. Suggestions from the previous topics as well as new ideas were taken and formatted into a finished proposal. Posting it here on the forums so you guys can have a look.

[center][size=150][b] :pirateflag   Flagships  :PP [/b]
How it will work:

Each player can possess one flagship. To create a flagship you simply pay 25 credits and choose any ship you possess to make it your flagship. This includes everything from Howkers to MoW's.


⦁   You only can have one flagship at a time
⦁   If a flagship is plundered it becomes a normal ship (more on this later)
⦁   Flagships cannot be sold on the ship's market

So what do flagships get? Well, when your ship becomes a flagship it gets the following traits:

⦁   It is highlighted in gold in 'ships in fleet' on the plunder board
⦁   It's fleet is highlighted in gold on the port gossip page when traveling
⦁   Gains +1 additional ability that can be chosen by the player

The last thing it gets is some abilties / bonuses. From two sources, an experience point system, and fame held by the player  ;)


Each battle, your ship gets EXP and can level up abilities, like any simple RPG game. Each level, a point can be attributed to an ability. The EXP needed for each level would increase.

EXP for Battles won by Flagship's fleet:

⦁   Versus another Flagship fleet,  Win: 30XP  Loss: 5XP
⦁   Versus any Player fleet - Win 10XP  Loss: 1XP
⦁   Versus any NPC fleet - Win 1XP   Loss: 0XP


Overseer - Increase production rate of plantations by X% at the port your flagship fleet is at.

Battle Tactics - Plus X% defense bonus for flagship

Rum - Rum on board is consumed at 1 crate per hour. While there is rum stocked on your flagship, your flagship fleet travels X% faster when sailing to any port.
Also, if you have the pirate flag your ship receives a small bonus to speed in combat. (Not applicable for MoW's or SOTL's)

Voodoo Specialist - X% Chance to block voodoo. (That target the flagship only.)

[b]Pirate-only abilities[/b] (Also not available for Ship of the Line or Man of War):

Dead Men Tell No Tales - X% chance to kill the crew of the last ship in the losing fleet. Your fleet gains X% less danger.

Survivor - After losing a battle, X% chance to escape without paying ransom.

[b]Fame Bonuses[/b]:

Based on the amount of fame you currently hold, your ship gets the following bonuses!

Nation players - Plus X port goods buying price, at the port your flagship fleet is at. If traveling, affects both ports.
Your name is know far and wide in the merchant world, you can sell goods at a higher price.

Pirate flag players - Plus X% attack bonus for flagship. (Does not apply to MOW's or SOTL's)
Your infamous name instills fear into the crew of the enemy.

[b]Numbers estimates[/b]:

At the top level, lets say a player won 1,000 normal battles worth of EXP, and put all the points into a single ability. The following stats should look something like this:

At 1,000 battles:

Overseer - Increase production rate of plantations by 25% at the port your flagship fleet is at.

Battle Tactics - Plus 20% defense bonus for flagship

Rum - Fleet travels 200% faster. Decent speed bonus in combat for non-SOTL or MOW flagship owned by pirates.

Voodoo Specialist - 95% Chance to block voodoo. (That target the ship only.)

[b]Pirate-only abilities[/b] (Also not available for Ship of the Line or Man of War):

Dead Men Tell No Tales - 90% chance to kill the crew of the last ship in the losing fleet. Your fleet gains 50% less danger.

Survivor - After losing a battle, 70% chance to escape without paying ransom.

Remember, these numbers are if all points are put into a single ability. For best results you would normally diversify.

[b]Fame Bonuses:[/b]

It should be very hard (but not impossible) to raise these bonuses by much after after 20,000,000 fame. At 20,000,000 fame:

Nation players - Plus '4 gold' port goods buying price, at the port your flagship fleet is at. If traveling, affects both ports.

Pirate flag players - Plus 20% attack bonus for flagship (Not SOTL or MOW)

Now the coolest part.. Plundering a Flagship!
If you plunder a flagship it retains everything, it is just deactivated. So you can still see the EXP bonuses, extra ability, and who's flagship it originally was. All that stuff is just deactivated and not counted. (Effect of Loyal crew would still work for the previous owner)

[b]Plundered flagships:[/b]

⦁   Perks are deactivated
⦁   Still cannot be sold at the ship's market
⦁   Still are highlighted in gold for "trophy status"

Now here's the nice part. Lets say I plunder a powerful flagship. And I currently don't have one. I can choose that ship as my flagship! The extras are "reactivated" since the ship once again has flagship status. I can do this as much as I want, but have to pay the 25 credits each time.

There would a cool down of around 48 hours for naming a flagship. And there would also be an EXP penalty on the flagship every time it is plundered.


Works Cited:

**UPDATE** 03/09/19 -Skyhawk

Changed, clarified, and adjusted based on input from all, without further ado, here is the updated final proposal.

:pirateflag Flagships :PP

Central aspects of flagships:
Flagships are for all players
Pirates will receive bonuses only available to them
Flagships cannot be “god tier”
Flagships will be experience based
You only can have one Flagship at a time

Flagship Basics:
1). All players can obtain a flagship
2). You can have only one (1) active flagship
3). If a flagship is plundered (captured/stolen) its abilities are disabled
4). Flagships cannot be sold on the ships market **Updated
5). Abilities/Bonuses are assigned via Experience Based Leveling

Creating a Flagship:
1). Costs 25 credits to create
2). Can be any ship currently in your possession
3). Can only create a flagship if you possess no other flagships

Extra Trait: **Updated
All flagships get an extra trait upon being designated. (Chosen by the player). This trait is kept even if the flagship is disabled.

Experience Gain & Levels::
For the purposes of this suggestion, the term Battles will refer to Plunder Battles and Skirmishes.

Each battle engaged with your Flagship Fleet, will garner experience. Like many simple RPG style games, this experience will accumulate in levels. When you gain sufficient experience to complete a level, you will gain a point to use to purchase and level up Abilities/Bonuses. Each level will require more experience then the previous.

Bonus Attribute Points: **New
Each level your flagship gains attribute points. After all attributes are at max value, you can assign up to 4 bonus attribute points which you gain from further leveling. (Each attribute can go up to a max value of 12). These 4 attribute points are kept active, even in disabled Flagships.

EXP Gain:

⦁ Plunder vs another Flagship fleet, Win: 30XP Loss: 5XP
⦁ Plunder vs any Player fleet - Win 10XP Loss: 1XP
⦁ Plunder vs any NPC fleet - Win 1XP Loss: 0XP

⦁ Skirmish vs another Flagship fleet, Win: 15XP Loss: 3XP
⦁ Skirmish vs any Player fleet - Win 5XP Loss: 1XP


(Subject to adjustments)

By default, a flagship will start at Level 0. The Level that your flagship is at will indicate the number of total points that can be used to purchase and level up abilities.

As you reach a level, the experience that you need for the next level will increase by a factor of 1.1x of the previous level. (Rounded)

To reach level 1, 1000 experience points is required.

Each level gives you 1 point to purchase or upgrade an ability.


-By default, your flagship has no abilities.
-Abilities must be purchased.
-Each Ability has its own level of build.
-Each Point assigned will level that Ability 1 level.
-When an ability reaches level 10, it will cost 2 Points to reach the next level.

Ability for only the Man of War, Ship of the Line, Flag Galleon:

Guard - X% chance per level, for flagship fleet to defend fleets you possess at current port (Can toggle on or off for both plunder and skirmish)

Abilities for only Large Frigate - Sloop:

Plunder - Gives a 5% chance per level, to increase gold plundered from players (10% increase to ransom after calculation)

Battle Tactics - Plus 0.5% defense bonus for flagship per level
"Turn left, then turn right!!"

Master Rigging - Travel time for flagship fleet decreases by 5% per level. Speed in combat is also increases per level, maxing out at the speed of a sloop for combat. (Fast)
"Speed is of the essence."

Survivor - After losing a battle, 3% chance per level, for fleet to escape without paying ransom.
"It's not retreating, it's charging towards the next victory!"

Abilities for all Flagships:

Voodoo Specialist - 4% Chance to block voodoo, per level (That target the flagship only.)
"Every ship could use one, but most are fakes."

Legend - Gain 5% more fame per level, after winning a battle (Given by game.)
"Let everyone know your name!"

Dead Men Tell No Tales - 5% chance per level, for your fleet to gain half danger after attacking.
"But then where do the stories come from?"

**Fame Bonuses: (Read note)

Based on the amount of fame you currently hold, your ship gets the following bonuses.

Nation players - Your flagship fleet can sell gold for X more, at a port different then where it was bought.
"Your name is known far and wide in the merchant world, you can sell gold at a higher price."

Pirate flag players - Plus X% attack bonus for flagship. (Excluding Ship of the Line or Man of War.)
"Your infamous name instills fear into the crew of the enemy."

**Will not be part of the initial feature. Will be potentially be added after the fame system is reviewed.

Disabled Flagships

If you designate a new flagship, or if your flagship is stolen, it is “disabled”.

A disabled flagship abilities are deactivated. EXP is not gained.

Everything about a disabled flagship can still be viewed, including abilities and the original owner, and it can still function as a normal ship. Just the abilities are disabled.

A disabled flagship can be reactivated for 50 credits. Doing this will replace your current flagship if you have one and put it in disabled status.

If you do not own a flagship and you are in possession of a disabled flagship via plunder, you can activate it for only 25 credits.

Plundering a Flagship

If a flagship is plundered (stolen/captured), after 3 days (72 hours) the new owner can choose to make the ship his/her flagship for no cost. If accepted, ship bonuses carry over to the new owner and are activated, and the owner's previous flagship is disabled if he has one.

If declined, the plundered flagship remains disabled, but it can still be used normally. The owner’s current flagship, if he/she had one, remains active.

There is an EXP penalty of 15% on a flagship every time it is plundered. If the EXP loss results in a level loss, a random purchased ability/bonus is removed.


There is a cooldown of 72 hours for designating a flagship. Meaning if you just built your first flagship or you designate a disabled flagship as your new flagship, you cannot change your flagship again for 72 hours.

If a Flagship is sold to the shipwright a sizable gold bonus is received, multiplied by the current level of the Flagship. (Estimate 500,000gc)



Added Man of War and Ship of the Line flagships to the proposal. Updated ship abilities.



Updated proposal, near ready to be voted on and submitted

- Skyhawk

Works Cited
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Re: Dev Team - Flagships

Postby Banger » Mon Feb 11, 2019 10:10 pm

Very nice, good work!
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Re: Dev Team - Flagships

Postby sXs » Mon Feb 11, 2019 10:20 pm

So if you plunder a flagship of someone with twice your fame, unless you make it your own flagship, it does not carry the value for you. If you do make it your flagship you get the attributes but only at your own fame level?
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Re: Dev Team - Flagships

Postby Noffin » Mon Feb 11, 2019 10:29 pm

Overseer - Increase production rate of plantations by 25% at the port your flagship fleet is at.

I see no reason a flagship needs to have this. This belongs to a tech considering the cost to develop plantations.

I do not see how plantation workers will increase their productivity staring at a gold flagship in the harbor, now the threat of being tossed into a bonfire will definitely see increased production.
Last edited by Noffin on Mon Feb 11, 2019 11:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Dev Team - Flagships

Postby sXs » Mon Feb 11, 2019 10:33 pm

Also, if flagships can not be sold, why would a pirate plunder them. That basically takes pirates motivation out of it completely. No one will lose a flagship to a pirate and pirates were the original intent of flagships.

Pirates work on profit and to maximize profit they purposely keep their ship count low. You are forcing them to keep flagships if they successfully plunder them.
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Re: Dev Team - Flagships

Postby sXs » Mon Feb 11, 2019 10:35 pm

Noffin wrote:Overseer - Increase production rate of plantations by 25% at the port your flagship fleet is at.

I see no reason a flagship needs to have this. This belongs to a tech considering the cost to develop plantations.

Should be no tie between flagships and plantations at all. Two completely separate game mechanics.
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Re: Dev Team - Flagships

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Mon Feb 11, 2019 10:49 pm

Aye.. the fame issue raises its ugly mug once more : pirates run low ship count : this is known and expected of them : the current fame gain/loss mechanics actively penalise those with low ship count whilst rewarding those with high ship counts. Quite how a pirate will ever achieve, and sustain, the fame levels required to gain flag-ship benefits is a mystery to all under current fame rules.
As flag-ships seem to have been suggested as a sop to pirate sensibilities its odd that the implementation suggested would actively work against any pirate interest in owning one.
Thats before we get to the other points raised above which also carry some weight in the same area. What plantations got to do with pirates? And what use is a plundering a trophy you cant sell?
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Re: Dev Team - Flagships

Postby sXs » Mon Feb 11, 2019 10:54 pm

Danik wrote:Aye.. the fame issue raises its ugly mug once more : pirates run low ship count : this is known and expected of them : the current fame gain/loss mechanics actively penalise those with low ship count whilst rewarding those with high ship counts. Quite how a pirate will ever achieve, and sustain, the fame levels required to gain flag-ship benefits is a mystery to all under current fame rules.
As flag-ships seem to have been suggested as a sop to pirate sensibilities its odd that the implementation suggested would actively work against any pirate interest in owning one.
Thats before we get to the other points raised above which also carry some weight in the same area. What plantations got to do with pirates? And what use is a plundering a trophy you cant sell?


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Re: Dev Team - Flagships

Postby Dmanwuzhere » Mon Feb 11, 2019 10:55 pm

i will pass this is nothing even close to the concept its simply a hack :(
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Re: Dev Team - Flagships

Postby sXs » Mon Feb 11, 2019 10:59 pm

Again..... nothing for pirates. As it is written it negates any benefits a pirate would receive
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