To Many Income Streams!!

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Re: To Many Income Streams!!

Postby DezNutz » Wed Sep 13, 2017 12:54 pm

Astragek wrote:Even though that wouldn't be fair either, cause that way, the nation would decide who gets to profit and who doesn't.

A nation is not a single player, well most nations aren't single players. They are collectives of people which means a vote would be needed. Additionally, if you don't like the restriction, you can join your own nation. There are over 200 nations to choose from. Most do not have active kings/queens/councils. Join one and you can have your bank without being restricted.

On top of that, Banks are not a vast income stream. The Credit Exchange took away a chunk of their income.
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Re: To Many Income Streams!!

Postby Sebena » Wed Sep 13, 2017 1:37 pm

-1 from me aswell others shared enough reasons and as Meliva said ( I hope I didn't mistaken person and post) there is no need restriction on multiple income streams because if you try to get involved in all of them you will not master any of them and you already lose so much potential.... Almost entire game career here I was privateer/opportunist I did attacks and I did trading.... when I compare myself with people who were pure traders I earned a lot less same way when I compare pure pirate they earned far more than I did when I was attacking.... looking now as a someone who enjoys attacking and who is still transitting to pirate way I earn more than before.... so to be succssesfull here you need to choose your style and master it.....
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Re: To Many Income Streams!!

Postby Cdv » Wed Sep 13, 2017 4:13 pm

Sir Thalius Hayle wrote:...
Still thinking over this though...

Still overthinking this though. ;)

Btw, nice forum thread title : To many income streams!!
Hear, hear! :P
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Re: To Many Income Streams!!

Postby Sir Thalius Hayle » Wed Sep 13, 2017 8:05 pm

To clarify a bit- I do not see this as something the game needs right now, but I do see a need for something like this in the future.

As things are now- trade, plunder, and pillaging are the backbone of everything- it is how every player gets started. From there they can invest in starting a bank or gold smith, build up warehouses for party card trading, play the credit and/or ship markets, or become part of a nation that pays disbursements and work for a spot at the trough... and probably a few other things I did not list. All is well.

In the future though we are looking at having plantations added to the game. From there I hear rumors that Avonmora may work toward a completely player driven economy- potentially all trade items produced by players. What next? No one knows, but there are a lot of additional potential revenue streams on the horizon. All of it is a plus and will add a lot to the world of Avonmora, and I am looking forward to seeing it unfold.

If there is no limit built into the game to control growth though, then it will eventually become a mess.

If every player can invest in every one of those things, then a player driven economy would not work, and inflation will become an issue since experienced players will have seemingly never ending, growing profits rolling in. Rich players will keep getting richer, with no end in sight, and new players will forever be playing catch up.

The reason behind the suggestion for adding Overseers and corruption was to provide a realistic set of dynamics to the game world that would reign in unlimited growth in the future as all of these new revenue streams become part of Avonmora. The issue of a completely player driven economy is a separate issue that the Overseer (or whatever it might be called) dynamic plays into, but which would not serve much purpose in being discussed in depth here.

For those who don't see a need for it at this time, I agree. The larger picture looking down the road seems to call for something like this however, if the world of Avonmora is going to be a balanced one.
Last edited by Sir Thalius Hayle on Thu Sep 14, 2017 12:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: To Many Income Streams!!

Postby Cdv » Wed Sep 13, 2017 11:58 pm


Sorry, couldn't help it. :$
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Re: To Many Income Streams!!

Postby Sir Thalius Hayle » Thu Sep 14, 2017 12:04 am

Woops... Corrected. Thanks. ;)
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