Spastic wrote:its there really a point in the fame ranking list then......
Only that players with a lot of fame might be seen as strong so a guild with much fame might be seen as strong also. Of course we all know what voodoo can do to that theory so I think my honest answer would be that fame gives the illusion that someone is dangerous.
It can also tell you who might be the best players to attack since status is what determines who wins this game or who is winning. The leader at the moment will most likely not be the winner in the end because he'll be the most targeted player near the end of the life of this game. In my opinion, it's actually bad to allow your fame to build now or to even let people remember you because when the game nears the end, players will rush to take all that you have.
Fame serves as bait for players looking to join a guild. If they put any thought into it, they'll decide that the members of the guild might have good information to share rather than bad. I hope this is enough for you to decide whether fame should matter to you.
Yesterday I gave my all. Today I'll give more. Tomorrow, I'll take back what you took for granted.