by Haron » Mon Jun 27, 2016 6:37 pm
Stan: My suggestion makes you wait only 3 days to enter a "new" nation, since the "royal pardon" will be automatically granted. Of course, shorter automated accepts for "no king" nations could be implemented, but if you read my suggestion about wars and blockades, I think you'll see that the concept of "enemies of the state" should force people to wait some time before joining a nation, so they cannot instantly avoid the punishments such "enemies of state" would get.
Also, you are not entirely correct in your observation that this suggestion is designed in order to make national takeover harder. It is a consequence, sure, but it is not my reason for suggesting it.
This thread should be read in conjuncture with my suggestion "Wars and Blockades". I state that if we are to have more diplomacy between nations, with things like real wars (with declaration of war), blockades and such, there is a need to tie a player more closely to his nation. And so, my suggestion is meant to make leaving your nation costly, and something you would not do lightly. And a period as "pirate" before being allowed into a new nation is needed primarily to stop people from entering another nation and start/end wars, or even fight the war from within (even though a well prepared guild may be able to do so even with my suggestions). This suggestion is thought through to fit particularly well with my suggestion in the "wars and blockades" thread.
I have no big problems with the taking over of nations as the rules stand today, even though I think it SHOULD be more costly - and so I suggested a percentage of influence lost when changing nations. This, however, is a small matter, in my opinion. But introducing the concepts of wars between nations will simply be impossible if everyone can change nation at any time, without any cost. Then "belonging to a nation" does not really make sense.
Another, but in my opinion worse, alternative, would be to merge the concepts of nations and guilds. Give each guild a flag, and call it a nation. That would make national takeovers impossible, and it would make the "kings" (guildmasters) all-powerful within their nation. Not a good idea, in my opinion. So the ability to change nations should remain, but some measures must be taken to strengthen a players tie to his nation, and make changing nations more difficult. All this only if we ever plan to implement wars and more sophisticated diplomacy between nations (which I hope we do). If not, things work OK the way they do.
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