So I was upgrading a hideout building today when I noticed I needed 40,000 of a certain resource, which I didn't have. Dang, that will take away from my trade routes to now supply my hideout, to rush this 40,000 resource deficiency. I wished then that there was a way to buy a resource from a market and I was willing to pay a premium for such a service. This led to my idea. I think this has sorta been suggested before but here is my take.
Much like the Credit Market, a merchant can choose to Sell a "product" as a value he/she picks. Lets take wood for example.
The merchant stocks his warehouse with wood and then elects a certain portion to go to the Market. In this case he sets 100,000 wood for a price of 10 per crate. Players would be able to set prices Equal to or Above current warehouse prices (8-12).
Duke bonus would apply - 10% bonus on goods sold
Perhaps a new voodoo - "Bazaar" could be created as well. Plus 1 on all goods sold at market. 72 hours 3 Stack
The merchant takes a risk that item could sit for a bit but they should get higher then market value for the sells to compensate. Like I said to, to not have to wait, I would have paid 12-15 gc per crate of wood to seller for the 40,000 that I needed.