I have an idea for a "guild feature". This time, it's actually a feature that WILL be of particular benefit to me. I'm still gonna suggest it, though, because I actually think it IS a good idea in general.
SITUATION: Our guild takes on... certain tasks, from time to time. For which we are paid. Sometimes that payment is in the form of credits, in which case everything is fine. However, at other times, we're being paid in gc. And, being the nice guy that I am, I figure such payments are to the GUILD, and not to me personally. And so I'd like to distribute it.
PROBLEM: Now, this has to be done through banks. And each payment I make, costs me 3 turns. So, distributing gc to every member of my guild, actually costs me a lot of turns.
POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Someone has suggested a "guild treasury". If that is implemented in some form, it may solve my problem. If NOT, I would like some "distribute gc" functionality. If there is no "guild treasury", perhaps such a function can be implemented in the banks? An option to send a specific amount to every people on a list. The list consists of all your guild members, and you can check off who is getting gold from you.
Anyway, having thought about this, I now better understand the need for some sort of "guild treasury". Not really for STORING gc, but for DISTRIBUTING them.