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Plunder Insurance

Sun Nov 24, 2013 9:40 pm
by Sir Henry Morgan
A country can subsidize the bounties of plunder victims of their nations, be 10% to 100% of the bounties due the victor. A 50% subsidy for Admirals would cover 50% of his bounty losses if plundered.
Option 1) Minimum Title of Citizen (captain and above, admiral and above, etc.)
Option 2) Percentage of Subsidy 10% to 100%
Option 3) Subsidy limit (The most per individual per day)
Option 4) Percentage of treasury available (10%-100 % of the funds in the treasury available for this program.
Spastic's Plunder Tax would compliment this law very well.
Re: New Law - [Country Name] Plunder Insurance.

Sun Nov 24, 2013 9:48 pm
by Jim Hawkins
Re: New Law - [Country Name] Plunder Insurance.

Sun Nov 24, 2013 10:44 pm
by Captain dungeness
I agree. There should be a law to subsidize plunder ransoms but it will need individual limits for each rank. So A King is limited to one percentage and max limit and each other rank has their own % and limit.
Re: New Law - [Country Name] Plunder Insurance.

Mon Nov 25, 2013 6:47 pm
by Sir Henry Morgan
This may be a case where the council could pass several different versions of the same law, I.e., utilize different options.
Re: New Law - [Country Name] Plunder Insurance.

Tue Nov 26, 2013 4:31 pm
by Captain Jack
First of all, I am fully supporting this idea. It has been discussed before too.
However, we need to address something else before we introduce this.
-If you have a cutter at the end of your fleet and no gold, then the bounty is 1000 gold. A nation's treasury can pay this like thousands of times. This will lead to perfect defense and de-stabilization of current system.
If we want to introduce this, we need to do it differently. There are many solutions. We can either have the attacker target the nation's treasury (which can mean like 250k per attack) or the treasury destined for this player.
Myself, I believe that another plunder formula is needed for this with different low and high limits, relative always to the daily limit of the specific player. Feel free to propose formulas or any other idea that will work.
Till then, this cannot be approved.
Re: New Law - [Country Name] Plunder Insurance.

Tue Nov 26, 2013 6:23 pm
by Sir Henry Morgan
Here's an idea, for what it is worth....
Let's say Barbados issues its Governors plunder insurance for 80% coverage. Due to the fact that this is Government backed insurance, the minimum plunder rate is 250,000. Once a governor is plundered and loses, the victor is due 250,000 gold. The government of Barbados pays 200,000, the losing governor pays 50,000, plus whatever other spoils are due to plunder rules.
Policies could be limited (and should be) based upon influence the governors have, I.e., 10 mil influence. 10 million per day. Policies could be limited by number of fleets, I.e., 50 fleets x 250,000 is limited to 12.5 mil a day. Or, policies can be limited by a flat rate.
When ship taxes come into play, governments will be able to manage this through tax rates. Individuals issued plunder insurance would pay higher taxes per ship. For example, 80% coverage, taxes could be 8 times higher minimum, or 16 times higher, etc. This could be an option to be included in the law.
Just a thought...
Re: New Law - [Country Name] Plunder Insurance.

Tue Nov 26, 2013 6:56 pm
by Captain Jack
It is certainly towards the right direction but it is not enough taking in mind the plunder issue.
A player with a cutter in the end is still an issue. If he has 20k gold, with current system you need about 15 attacks to break him. With this law, it will need 100 attacks.
Like I said, I am positive for such a law but we need to make it work correctly. It will not be easy, for sure.
Re: New Law - [Country Name] Plunder Insurance.

Tue Nov 26, 2013 9:35 pm
by Captain dungeness
I figure the nation's treasury wouldn't want to get involved if the ransom is that low. Too much hassle to get the gold to change hands correctly if you're only paying a few thousand gold!
How about putting a minimum ransom for which the treasury is willing to get involved? Say the minimum is 150,000 gold. So if your ransom is less than 150,000 gold then you must pay it all yourself. If your required ransom is over 150,000 gold then the treasury will pay the 50% (or 80% or 20% or whatever) up to the law's maximum daily contribution. The % contribution and the maximum daily contribution are set by the lawmakers.
This way a nation's treasury couldn't pay the bill forever and the player's maximum daily contribution would be reached much sooner (or the treasury will run dry if your maximum is set super high).
-Captain D
Re: New Law - [Country Name] Plunder Insurance.

Tue Nov 26, 2013 11:09 pm
by Grogggy
Trolling - Warning Issued
Re: New Law - [Country Name] Plunder Insurance.

Wed Nov 27, 2013 5:24 am
by Sir Henry Morgan
What if there were a limit of attacks per fleet per day, say 1 to 3 attacks per fleet per day. As a council member, I can see where unlimited attacks on a fleet could hit a treasury very hard.In essence, Plunder Insurance options:
Option 1) Rank or Individual.
Option 1a) Title, or
Option 1b) Name of individual.
Option 2) Percentage of bounty covered by Treasury ( Increments of 10 ) 10% - 100%
Option 3) Additional tax per ship - 0 to 10x current rate per day
Option 4) Number of attack covered per day per fleet (1 - 5 or whatever the max limit could be)
Limiting the number of attacks per fleet per day will change that cutter attack move from 15 to 20 attacks. It simply buys the insured some time, and puts a cap of sorts on coverage to help the councils keep from losing their entire treasury.