rank pay system put in game for nations for each daily update. 50% of the daily total is paid out to all citizens with military rank or higher based on rank like this my % might be off this is just an example
1.King 10%
2.Governor 9%
3.Duke 8%
4.Marquess 7%
5.Count 6%
6.Baron 5%
7.Admiral 4%
8.Colonel 3%
9.Major 2%
10.Captain 1%
And the other 50% goes into the treasury that can be voted on building a port and the influence is divided equally between all the players that vote. 1 vote ea person If you think you can do a better job as king put the work in for it. This would give players more insensitive to take a greater roll in there nation boosting population and wealth for all that put the incentive in to do so.